![Lee & Kamei pose with the Open the Twin Gate tag team title belts](https://pwi-online.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Photo-Jul-30-2022-7-53-53-PM-scaled.jpg)
From NATURAL VIBES To Kung Fu Masters
The Two Faces Of Jason Lee & Jacky Funky Kamei
IN PRO WRESTLING, one needs to develop a character or persona that resonates with an audience. This is no easy task to accomplish merely once—just ask any wrestler who has cycled through multiple gimmicks over the course of a career.
Imagine, then, a tag team ably portraying multiple characters within the same wrestling company … at the same time.
Indeed, it is a major challenge to embody two different characters and the relationships those characters have—completely distinct and unique—and yet, DRAGONGATE’s Jason Lee and Jacky Funky Kamei have managed to do just that!
Both members of the NATURAL VIBES unit, Lee and Kamei make for an awesome pair. Lee introduces himself as the “pro wrestler from Hong Kong that represents DG, able to master everything he does.” While Kamei is the self-described “funky energetic Jackie Chan lookalike with a deadly POW!”
Given their respective namesakes (Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan) and connections to the culture and land, the two tandem specialists decided to create a Hong Kong-centric unit of their own. (Note: DG is based in Kobe, home to a large Chinatown area named Nankinmachi.)
Realizing that a two-wrestler unit would not be able to survive long in DG’s competitive landscape, invitations were extended to Hong Kong native Ho Ho Lun and his friend Super Shenlong III.
When asked if it’s ever confusing to alternate between their original personas and newer personas, Lee is nonplussed. “Honestly, no,” he told PWI. “Kung Fu Masters (KFM) is more a comedy unit, something I do not mind doing. However, the Jason Lee you see wrestle as part of NV (Natural Vibes), the technically sound, high-speed athlete with an infusion of kung fu, is who I am.”
So, if he must pick one version of Jason Lee, which does he prefer? “NV Jason Lee, definitely!”
For the record, KFM’s Jason and Jacky are more than just a comedy act. At Kobe World Festival 2022, they dethroned Open the Twin Gate champions Shun Skywalker & Diamante—pound-for-pound, one of the promotion’s biggest, most dominant, and most agile duos. Interestingly, the so-called comedy unit seems to have made its members more confident in their abilities.
“KFM has given me the ability to expand my range when speaking on the microphone, show that a wrestler with a small body, big heart, who will never give up, is not limited in the ring,” said Kamei. “My style remains the same for the most part … displays of strength, with the ability to cover every inch of the ring, and strike from any angle.”
And, while both Kamei and Lee have desires to win singles titles in a not-too-distant future, they both prefer tag team wrestling. “With a great partner,” adds Lee. “Like I’ve had with Kota Minoura, and now Jacky.”
“In a tag team, you have the ability to develop and create powerful team moves,” Kamei said. “Which requires a combination of strength and skills.”
Moreover, Lee & Kamei have plans to conquer the world as a team … and regain the Twin Gate title they lost to D’Courage in Tokyo. “I truly believe the outcome [of the match] would have been different, had they faced the NV team,” said Lee. “KFM, the unit that is specific to Kobe … We were at a disadvantage by not having the energy, power, and the spirit of the community with us.”
And having been there in September to witness the loss, this author cannot disagree with Lee’s assessment.
With that, we leave you with Lee & Kamei’s parting words for readers of our ongoing DRAGONGATE Series:
“I hope to have more fans learn about and watch DG. And, when I wrestle again in the U.S. and Mexico, new fans and current fans come to watch and support during the tours.” – Jason Lee
“Please everyone watch and support DG and my FUNKY wrestling! POW POW!” – Jacky Funky Kamei
Jacky Funky Kamei vs SB KENTo, October 17, 2021
Jason Lee vs Shun Skywalker, April 25, 2022
Jason Lee & Jacky Funk Kamei vs. Diamante & Shun Skywalker, July 30, 2022
Kung Fu Masters vs. Genki Horiguchi & Teelan Shisa, November 19, 2022
NATURAL VIBESからカンフー・マスターズへ
みなさん是非DRAGONGATEと私のファンキーレスリングを見てくださいね!POW POW!