YUKI UENO’S FIGHTING SPIRIT: The DDT Universal Champion On Konosuke Takeshita, Cara Noir, And Upcoming Title Defenses
Text & Photos by Issa Marie
“ALL YOU HAVE to do is watch my matches to know exactly who I am.”
So says two-time DDT Pro-Wrestling Universal champion, Yuki Ueno.
The 37KAMIINA standout successfully defended his title against Cara Noir at DDT’s Who’s Gonna TOP? 2022. That match, which we highly recommend every reader to go out of their way to watch, perfectly embodied Ueno’s fighting spirit.
Headed into a first-time showdown with the former PROGRESS Wrestling champion, Ueno’s attitude was one of enthusiasm. “I am excited to be able to have a match with Cara Noir,” he told PWI. “We have some similarities in our styles, and our physiques, but we come from two different worlds, and that adds a greater level of enjoyment when you wrestle someone who is not familiar to you.”
That is very much not the case for his next title defense against Koju Takeda. This current version of Ueno’s former partner is full of Pheromones!
Yuki Ueno will face “Shiningball” Takeda on October 23 at Korakuen Hall. (Make sure to subscribe to WRESTLE UNIVERSE, taking advantage of that two-week free trial, to watch what should be an essential battle.)
When asked what made him unique, Ueno turned the question back around to your truly. What did I think made him so unique? I responded: “Your Fighting Spirit!” Surprised by my answer, with the biggest smile, Ueno agreed.
From his debut match against current KO-D champion, Kazusada Higuchi, in 2016, Ueno has captivated the fans with his spirit—his ability to “turn raw emotions into power” (his words). “Regardless of the size or experience my opponents have, every time I step into the ring, I give it my all,” he said.
And he has done so consistently. Indeed, one need look no further than Ueno’s epic matches against 37KAMIINA ally Konosuke Takeshita or last year’s feud with Daisuke Sasaki. Ueno’s personal favorite bout happens to be the 2021 D-Oh Grand Prix final against Takeshita. “Having the opportunity to wrestle Take, my classmate, in a setting where we both were on equal terms at the time, the A-Block winner going against the B-Block winner was truly special,” he recalled. “I hoped that at the end of Who’s Gonna TOP? 2022, Take and I would stand side-by-side as champions.”
Unfortunately for Ueno, Takeshita was not able to overcome Higuchi in his final DDT match before embarking on another U.S. tour.
There are no immediate plans for the Universal champ to travel abroad. However, if given the opportunity, he wants to defend his title as much as he can. Though he does not have an explicit list of opponents, he would like to take his “Fighting Spirit” to Thailand and England.
2022年9月25日で行われたDDTプロレスの「Who’s Gonna TOP 2022」後楽園ホール大会でカーラ・ノワール選手に王座防衛に成功しました。あの闘志溢れる上野選手の姿を是非読者の皆様に見て頂きたいものです。
ですが、次の対戦相手はなんと昔DNA時代でよく組んでいたフェロモン溢れるの竹田“シャイニングボール”光珠選手のと!10月23日後楽園ホールで行われる「God Bless DDT 2022」にて防衛戦で激突することになる。
上野選手が個人的に好きな試合は、2021年のD王グランプリ決勝の竹下戦だと言われました。「Aブロックの優勝者がBブロックの優勝者と対戦するという、お互い対等な立場だった設定で同期の竹ちゃんと試合をすることになったのは、本当に特別なことでした。Who’s Gonna TOP? 2022年後楽園大会の最後には、竹と私はチャンピオンとして並んで立つことを望んでいました。」残念ですが、竹下選手と樋口選手のKO-D無差別級王座戦の結果は樋口選手の勝利となって、リング上のチャンピオン並びの姿はまだ先の話になります。