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ALISHA EDWARDS Talks Dream Opponents, The Intersection Between Real Life & Wrestling, And Lots More


Every opportunity that I’ve been given, I’m trying to show what I can do. And I think I’ve been able to show that I’m just not a pretty face and I’m just not a manager.

FOLLOWING ON FROM our last interview we did with Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards, PWI Contributing Writer Jason McVeigh recently caught up with another member of TNA Wrestling’s The System, Alisha Edwards.

McVEIGH: You’ve been with TNA for quite a while, but, in my opinion, you are doing the best work of your career right now. Tell us a little bit about The System and what it’s like to be involved with the group.

EDWARDS: I mean, it’s been great. I thought Hard to Kill was going to be the top of what we’re gonna do, but I think the momentum of The System has been great. We all have title belts. We’re already six months into a year. And, I mean, we’ve been dominating since day one. So, it’s been great. We have a special relationship, and I think it just organically works for all of us. I think we all bring something to the table.

McVEIGH: When I spoke with Brian and Eddie, they said a lot of the success of the group is actually about the real-life relationships that you guys have with each other. How important do you think that is to making the whole thing work?

EDWARDS: I think that’s the icing on the cake. You can throw a bunch of people together and expect them to do their job and they probably will excel. But I really think us having a personal relationship, and me and Eddie being a real-life couple, gives The System that organic and real feel … and kind of brings everything together at another level.

McVEIGH: Something else the boys spoke about was not just what you contribute onscreen, but you bring to things backstage, as well. Tell us a little bit just about your backstage role in TNA, either officially or unofficially.

EDWARDS: Yeah, so I’m kind of like … I’m still talent, so I’m not fully into the behind the scenes, but I’m slowly learning different departments like the marketing, promotion, how we can brand the Knockouts, and stuff like that. I do some of the holiday photo shoots. I’m mom of the locker room, I’m party mom on the fun nights (laughs) I’m kind of like the glue that holds the locker room together. But I’m very, I would say … I like to follow the rules and keep everyone else following what needs to be done. But I like to have fun, too. I’m kind of learning what I want to do when I’m done wrestling, I guess.

McVEIGH: What does it mean to you to be a TNA Knockout and to see the evolution of the division over the years and your part in that?

EDWARDS: The Knockouts were kind of what made me want to wrestle in the first place. At the time I came up in the business, it was like the bra and panties matches in WWE and all that stuff. The Knockouts were doing something totally different. And I still stand by that. I think we’re diverse and we bring a lot to the table in different aspects and in different styles. And I think we’re just getting started, to be honest. We have a lot of things coming up and we have a lot of new Knockouts in our division right now that are killing it, like Ash By Elegance, Xia Brookside, and Steph De Lander. It’s definitely different every year, but right now it’s very exciting for the Knockouts division.

McVEIGH: Something else that’s exciting is you’re one-half of the Knockouts tag team champions with Masha Slamovich. It’s maybe a little bit of an odd couple, but how’s it been for you?

EDWARDS: I keep it business and I needed another championship to bring to The System. At the same time, Masha needed a partner. So, I think the timing was perfect. And I think I bring the best out of her and vice versa, you know what I mean? She gets the job done and I’m more of the mouthpiece and knowing what needs to be done on that side of things. It’s just a perfect match.


McVEIGH: You’re quite a versatile performer. One moment you might be kicking butt in the Knockouts division, the next moment you might be dressed to the nines while accompanying The System. Then, the next moment you might be having your head chopped off in the Hardy Compound. What was it like filming those kind of scenes and doing something completely different (I imagine) from what you’re used to?

EDWARDS: When I first got to IMPACT, I wasn’t really in the Knockouts division. I wasn’t on TV a lot . I think just every opportunity that I’ve been given, I’m trying to show what I can do. And I think I’ve been able to show that I’m just not a pretty face and I’m just not a manager. And maybe I’m not giving those five-star matches that maybe the Knockouts champion is doing. But I think I bring a lot to the table. And, with all these extra things that we’re doing, the cinematic matches and the Hardy Compound stuff, it lets me show my versatility.

McVEIGH: And it’s been a ton of fun to watch. Speaking of the Hardys, though, can we expect you and Reby to be wrestling soon?

EDWARDS: I mean, I’m sure she’s not gonna like that I cost Matt his championship title match. So, I’m sure it’s not over between us. But I’m not scared of Reby, and I’m not scared of Matt, either … or the 18 million children they have. So, bring it on! I’m ready for it.

McVEIGH: Backtracking a little bit … I think one of the best things TNA has ever done was the Eddie Edwards and Sami Callihan feud, which you were also involved with. To me, it was a modern version of the Raven and Tommy Dreamer feud, with you as the modern day Beulah McGillicutty almost. What’re your memories of that?

EDWARDS: It was very in depth. I mean that all came from the real accident with the baseball bat and Eddie getting his face smashed by Sami. It brought a lot of real emotions and kind of drove that storyline to that side of things, which was great. Thankfully, Eddie’s eye was still intact, but It could have been bad. But, it ended up being a pleasant surprise in term of what came out of it. It was a really good story to be involved with. It was one of my first stories with the top guys in the locker room. I learned a lot. Sami drives me nuts, just like Moose does, too, but they know what they’re doing in the business. Being able to like work with them has honestly been a blessing.

McVEIGH: What are some of your favorite matches, angles, or storylines you’ve done in TNA?

EDWARDS: I’ve gotten asked this question a lot lately. The Sami storyline was good. The stuff with Ace Austin, where he was trying to steal me away from Eddie … that storyline was a pretty good. I liked when I did the Monster Ball, that gave me a different direction just from being a babyface. The Wrestle House segments we did on IMPACT were really fun. I think that allowed me to show a little personality. Weirdly, COVID was definitely a blessing for me as a performer because t allowed me to do stuff like that. Besides that stuff, just being able to be in storylines with the top guys or getting to wrestle Naomi/Trinity when she was here. That was amazing. Also, being able to bring Traci Brooks out after being away forever and now the Reby and Matt stuff. It’s just been an ongoing ball that’s been continuously rolling, and I’m just kind of going with it and enjoying every moment.

McVEIGH: What’s next for Alisha Edwards?

EDWARDS: Honestly, I didn’t see me having a championship title in 2024, but I do. Why not go for the Knockouts [World singles] championship, as well? I think that’s definitely on my radar. Jordynne, or whoever it might be come the time, I’m coming for you.

McVEIGH: And tell us just a little bit about TNA in general and why TNA is the right place for you.

EDWARDS: It’s the total package. The schedule works for us because we have a little one to take care of, too. We don’t have to be on the road constantly. The freedom and the creativity to be able to bring what we want is also attractive. It’s a lot of collaboration at TNA creatively and in the ring. And I also think the locker room is a big reason. The locker room is very special to me. As a whole, we encourage and inspire each other. So, if I was pushed to say one thing, I think the locker room is definitely my top reason why I love TNA.

McVEIGH: Who would your dream opponent be?

EDWARDS: Are we talking out of who is active right now?

McVEIGH: Yeah. But I guess we can include people from NXT and everything else, now the way things have been going lately.

EDWARDS: I always love to say my best friend Gail Kim. I would love to bring her out of retirement and be able to wrestle her. I mean, come on, Lish versus Gale Kim at Bound For Glory? That would be insane. Aside from that, I would say whoever walks out of Slammiversary as champion. To face them at Bound for Glory, that’s my goal.

McVEIGH: And what would you like Pro Wrestling Illustrated readers to know about Alisha Edwards … and maybe about The System in general?

EDWARDS: That we’re the best and we’re the most dominant faction in pro wrestling. And I’m sorry to everybody that wants to hate us, but the only reason they hate us is ’cause they aint us. So, I mean, I love that they hate us, so stay tuned for the ride.

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Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards In Conversation With Pro Wrestling Illustrated

The reigning TNA Wrestling World tag team champions reflect on their success to date and get real about their competition ahead of this weekend’s “Under Siege” event.

TNA Wrestling's The System: Eddie & Alisha Edwards with Brian Myers
TRUST THE SYSTEM: Eddie & Alisha Edwards talk shop with Brian Myers at a recent TNA Wrestling TV taping at South Philadelphia’s 2300 Arena. (PHOTO BY KEVIN McELVANEY)

FOR TWO VETERANS like Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards, spending your days basking in former glories could be a perfectly acceptable way to spend one’s career at this point. That’s not what motivates these men, however. Not content to ever phone it in, the accomplished duo are the current, reigning TNA World tag team champions. And Myers & Edwards spoke with PWI’s Jason McVeigh just days before competing at TNA’s Under Siege event. In the conversation below, they tell our readers how it feels to be on top of TNA Wrestling as part of the faction known as The System … and how they still strive to steal the show each and every night.

McVEIGH: So, Under Siege is coming up this Friday. You’re involved in a big six-man tag team match against Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain. I guess I’ll ask Brian first, what can we expect from the match?

MYERS: I mean, it’s going to be very exciting, right? Six top-tier wrestlers in the main event, you know, anything’s possible in that situation. The System right now is really cooking 
 we’re out to prove a point, we’ve had some of the best six-man matches the past four months. Put them up against any other trios matches in the entire business. And this will be no exception. And if Matt Hardy thinks he’s going to rejuvenate his career at the expense of The System? He is very, very wrong.

PWI: Just on that one, Eddie, talk a little bit about Matt Hardy. This is Matt’s first match back in TNA, obviously. Is there anything you’re concerned about going against him?

EDWARDS: I’m not concerned. I think Matt, should be the one who’s a little concerned. You know, he’s been gone for quite a while now. Things have changed since he’s been gone. The System is at the top of the mountain right now. And it’s something that he has to understand, like Brian said: Matt’s not going to come in and get the buzz off of beating The System. And we already beat Speedball Mountain. Now, Matt’s back to get a taste of it, too. It’s going to be exciting because it is the first time Matt is back in a TNA ring in however many years. And that’s a cool thing, and it’s going to be cool to be a part of that. But it’ll be even better to put an end to it pretty quickly.

PWI: You guys are the TNA World tag team champions right now and you’ve spent a lot of weeks as a ranked team on Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s web and print rankings. Why is this partnership working so well?

EDWARDS: It’s because there’s a lot that goes into it. It’s not just the stuff that happens in the ring. We are friends outside the ring. Me, Moose, Alisha … we’ve been best friends outside of the ring for a while now. So, this has been percolating for a while before The System formed. And me and Brian, when we get in the ring, we have that same trust and that same respect for each other in the ring that we do outside of it. I think that shows every time we’re in there. Because you can see that having fun, we’re kicking ass, we’re doing it together, and we get to have these great matches together.

MYERS: Yeah, it’s a mutual admiration for each other. We’ve always had that, and then we’ve become best friends. And that shows in the ring. Thenm there’s the professional side of it where you literally have two of the most accomplished tag team wrestlers of our generation, coming together to be a super team. So, all things have fallen into place.

PWI: You kind of touched on it there, Brian … you both are very accomplished tag team wrestlers. What is it that keeps tag team wrestling exciting for you both?

MYERS: I love tag team wrestling. Obviously, I love being a singles competitor, too. I just love wrestling in all shapes and sizes. But I think what we have going now is Eddie and I are out there to steal the show every single night and try to improve on our performance every time we go out there. And I feel like these past four months, we’ve really done that. Each time just gets a little bit better and a little more in sync. That’s what you look forward tom and that’s what keeps me heading into these TNA weekends where I’m like, Okay, sick, we can keep this frigging thing going.

PWI: The System has seen a lot of success in TNA this yearm and it’s been a lot of fun to watch you guys do what you’re doing. Can you speak a little bit on the dynamic of the group? You know, not just the two of you, but Alisha and Moosem as well?

EDWARDS: Yeah, I think it’s a family group. Like I said, we are best friends outside the ring and Alisha keeps us in line. She’s kept me in line for so many years. But also, she’s done that in the back for so many years at this point, that I think it comes across on screen and in the ring, as well. It’s tough to find a group where people aren’t selfish, and they’re not focused on themselves. But this group isn’t. And it’s because we do have this relationship outside of the business.

MYERS: The bottom line is: The System’s real, and that’s why it’s working. And that’s why it’s going to continue to work. It’s as real as it gets in whatm at times, is a very fake industry.

PWI: What can we expect from The System going forward?

MYERS: I see no end in sight, nor do I look forward to that. I want this to go on for as long as we can. I want to live in the moment and be present, knowing that this is a great time in my career. We’re all having a freaking blast being best friends, doing what we do best, and stealing the show, and having fun. That’s what my life and career is about right now.

EDWARDS: Yeah, it’s the same for me. We all realize that we’re doing something special, and it feels like a special time for our careers, but also for the company. We want to capitalize on that. We don’t want to sell ourselves short or do anything to dilute the group. We want to run with this as long as we can to continue to drag TNA up that mountain.

PWI: There’s been a lot of changes in the company recently, but both of you have been loyal to the promotion for a while. Why is TNA the right place for Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards?

EDWARDS: For me, I’ve been here for over 10 years at this point. And I have said all along that the company has always treated me with respect and treated me right. So, that’s the reason that I’ve stayed here all along. But, at this point, it’s about what I want to do with my career. I don’t want to be on the road all the time. I enjoy the schedule that we have. I have a family; I have a daughter at home that I love being home with. And I love our locker room. It’s a group that I can truly buy in on. I buy in to what we’re doing. And I feel that we all have that same sense backstage, where we all know what we’re doing, and that we are all trying to drive this company forward. We keep chugging away, I’ve been trying to learn for 10 years, but I like where we’re going. That’s why I’m still here. And that’s why I believe in TNA.

MYERS: TNA is one of the best things that ever happened to me in my career. It’s just been such a perfect fit for so many reasons. They allow me to be the best version of myself. It’s been a collaborative effort, and a fun creative thing.

PWI: We are still only a few months into this run that The System are having. But are there any moments that stand out?

EDWARDS: Winning the tag team title for sure. And just being in the ring together. The first time we hit our pose in front of the hard cam 
 that was cool and something that’s burned into my mind.

MYERS: I would say the debut of Nic Nemeth at Hard to Kill, also. Even though it didn’t exactly turn out great for The System on that night, the upside I saw was that it was going to get a lot of people talking about us and about TNA. So, to be a part of that and hear the reaction was a big deal.

PWI: Favorite TNA tag team of all time?

MYERS: I loved America’s Most Wanted. When Matt (Cardona) and I were breaking into the business and were clueless 18-year-olds trying to figure out wrestling, AMW were the best babyface tag team in wrestling, and we really tried to watch their stuff and see what they were doing right. Because they were really getting after it at the time.

EDWARDS: Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin. They’re two of the absolute best on their own and as a team. What they’ve accomplished is next level. And also, a team that was in TNA and so many other places is the Hardys. I was lucky enough to be in there with them when I was a member of The Wolves. I was a big fan of Matt and Jeff growing up, and just everything they accomplished. So, I put them up there, as well.

PWI: What do you want PWI readers to know about Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers in 2024?

EDWARDS: That we’re not going to stop. We’re in it for the long haul, and this is just the beginning.

MYERS: Yeah, and that The System is the real deal and we’re out there trying to steal the show every night and bring more eyeballs to TNA. We’ve got the hardest-working locker room [at TNA], and we are a part of that.


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Long Live Alex Kane!

Alex Kane addresses the people alongside his Bomaye Fight Club, MLW @ 2300 Arena, July 2023

A look back at July 8, 2023, when Alex Kane defeated Alexander Hammerstone to win the MLW World heavyweight championship (as told by one of his top allies in the Bomaye Fight Club).


You had to be there.

To feel the 2300 building and bubbling over just ready for the moment where it all could just erupt.

You had to be there.

Alex Kane has been working his ass off for this moment for the better part of 20 years, before BOMAYE was even a catchphrase or a chant. And to be able to not only see it, but experience it first-hand, is one of the rare moments in wrestling that I will never forget. Because seeing it on TV is one thing, but seeing and feeling it live?

Man, you had to be there.

Alex Kane, the new MLW World heavyweight champion, is looked upon with pride by O'Shay Edwards

But as much as it’s what you saw, there were moments that you didn’t.

I had a chance to pull Alex away from everyone and just speak to him man to man. Explaining how we both came from Georgia Wrestling in a time where guys like us weren’t really going to get a ‘fair shake.’ Because in wrestling, well, people like who they like, and because we didn’t look like those people, we were going to have to work two and sometimes three times as hard to get where we are. But when we get there, they’ll never be able to take it from us.

Alex Kane applies a waistlock to Alexander Hammerstone, who attempts a rope break

I told him I was proud of him, I told him that I love him, I told him I was OVER THE MOOON happy for him, and I never been more ecstatic to call him my friend.

Long Live Alex Kane. Long Live the MLW World heavyweight champion.

Alex Kane celebrates, 2300 Arena, MLW July 2023
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Sareee-ISM Chapter 2: A Pro Wrestling Dream Team

Saree sits on the ring apron and smiles at the camera

From on the ground in Japan, here’s a special preview of the second produce show promoted by Sareee, complete with words from the joshi superstar herself.

[except for official show graphics]

Following the success of Sareee-ISM Chapter 1, a complete sellout with a high streaming rate, Sareee is ready to do it again. This time, at Sareee-ISM Chapter 2, she is giving fans the best of the Western and Japanese styles by forming a pro wrestling dream team with the former IWGP Women’s Champion, KAIRI. 

While in Japan, I had the opportunity to speak with Sareee about Sareee-ISM Chapter I and choosing KAIRI as her partner for this latest round.  

“It had been a while since I last wrestled in Japan … wrestled Chihiro Hashimoto,” Sareee reflects. “Unfortunately, I was not victorious in my triumphant return match, but not being able to win fueled me.  I have now made it my personal goal to defeat Hashimoto in our next encounter.”

Sareee is speaking of the main event of her first produce show. Aside from the headline match not ending in her favor, the card was a resounding success on all counts. “That night, I was able to use all of the knowledge I gained here in Japan and overseas,” she tells me. “And I am very happy with the results and success of Sareee-ISM Chapter I.” 

Loss aside, the overall experience of the first Sareee-ISM show was all the encouragement she needed to want to do it again. But why only a four-match card?

“I believe that in pro wrestling, quality outweighs the quantity of the matches ,” said Sareee. “Fans pay to watch the best pro wrestling.”  And ain’t that the truth!

A higher number of matches doesn’t necessarily translate to selling more tickets. However, I would say that teaming with KAIRI will certainly help. Smiling, Sareee explained that “for the second show, I wanted to show the fans the best of both worlds [Western and Japanese styles of pro wrestling] and I can only do that with KAIRI; we are the only ones that can do it!”  While their respective experiences were very different, both Sareee and KAIRI worked tirelessly to incorporate their deep-rooted joshi training into their sports entertainment wrestling while under the WWE umbrella.

Headlined by the tag team match featuring Sareee and KAIRI, Sareee-ISM Chapter 2 will stream live worldwide via Friday August 4, 2023, 7:00 p.m. JST/6:00 a.m. EST/3:00 a.m. PST. 

The match card is one you will not want to miss:

Opening Match
Chi Chi vs Ibuki Hoshi

Second Match
Kaoru Ito & Kohaku vs Jaguar Yokota & Kizuna

Semi-Main Event
Miyuki Takase vs Mio Momono 

Main Event
Sareee & Kairi vs Arisa Nakajima & Takumi Iroha

I didn’t need much convincing to watch this show But, if you’re still unsure, Sareee has a message for you:

“I hope that all fans around the world stream this second chapter, where the beauty of Strong Style is showcased by the wrestlers that came before me, and the future of Joshi. This match card is a dream come true, from America to Japan, WWE/NXT to Sareee-ISM, KAIRI and I want to show you the best of pro wrestling of both worlds.  Thank you for your continued support! I look forward to the day we can meet again!”

And stay tuned for Part II of this interview, where Sareee and I talk about her typical day … and I share what it was like to watch her train with her mentor, Kauro Ito!

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ACT Yasukawa wrestles

How Actwres girl’Z Continues To Shape Joshi Pro Wrestling


(*except where noted)

IN PRO WRESTLING, the desire for viewing alternatives may be at an all-time high. Fans and analysts consistently speak on the need for promoters and wrestlers to provide something truly different. And yet, in Japan, you will notice that most companies share a similar structure in their training and business models 
 and that is why Actwres girl’Z stands apart.

Sixteen years ago, AWG President Keiji Sakaguchi created one of the most innovative concepts in the industry: a school and promotion that specialized entirely in training actresses and idols in the art of pro wrestling. His vision was to appeal to a fan base not traditionally drawn to the world of wrestling. And he wanted to create an alternative that would open opportunities for women in the field. To his credit, President Sakaguchi has succeeded on both counts!

Actwres girl'z training ring

While in Japan, I was invited to attend an Actwres girl’Z training session, to get a better perspective of who these folks are and what they do. Immediately, what stood out to me was the shared work ethic and how welcoming the trainers were to prospective talent. That day, three new recruits participated in their first training session, and the rest of the team ensured they were properly integrated and included.

And that is what makes Actwres girl’Z so special: a group of women working together, building a space where everyone is welcomed regardless of their level of training; where the only requirement is to be willing to work hard and give it your best.

Act Yasukawa poses

Understanding that most of the newer recruits have actual jobs, the promotion is very flexible with its schedule, to ensure every member is able to meet their training commitments.  I believe ACT (Yasukawa) said it best during her interview: “All of us are professional actresses. Every expression, every move, we put our soul and heart to entertain the audience. The organization is still very new when compared to the other promotions, but there is so much potential and talent in every member; everyone has what it takes to become a superstar. And, when we do come out to the states as a group, I want the U.S. fans already looking forward to Actwres girl’Z.”

ACT Yasukawa wrestles

What distinctly separates Actwres girl’Z from all other Japanese joshi organizations is its ability to recruit and maintain new talent throughout the year. The strength of Actwres girl’Z lies in the system of building these budding performers into diverse professionals who wrestle and perform across various media. Aside from in-ring action, the talent make TV appearances, host radio programs. They participate in magazine and online interviews, modeling, live talk shows, and other individualized events. 

Since 2007, Keiji Sakaguchi has created opportunities: training, managing, producing, and transforming actresses, idols, models, and athletes. And, in doing so, he markedly changed the landscape of women’s wrestling in Japan, founding the platforms that launched some of the most recognized names in joshi, allowing them to thrive and even reshape the wrestling industry: Kairi Hojo (KAIRI), Saori Anou, Natsumi Maki (Natsupoi), Himeka, Tam Nakano, Miyuki Takase, SAKI, Rico Kawabata, Act Yasukawa, Yuna Manase, and Fuuka. Mr. Sakaguchi is responsible for the exchange program that allowed many of his young talent to wrestle in various organizations, where they established themselves as superstars.

AWG behind the scenes

In 2015, Actwres girl’Z’ event promotion and talent management saw the creation of its first branded group, called “Beginning.” Through TV and media exposure, many prospects applied and joined from all over Japan. By demand, Actwres girl’Z added another brand, “COLOR’S,” in 2019. [Editor’s note: Representatives of this group notably went on to compete in Stardom throughout 2022, as AWG alum SAKI continued the brand as a traveling unit of wrestling freelancers.]

Before long, both brands grew to their maximum capacity. And, in December 2021, Actwres girl’Z retired both brands, with a plan to renew and reinvent its system into more broadly appealing and acceptable style.  

In 2022, Actwres girl’Z relaunched and reorganized, splitting the company into “ACTRING” and “ACTwrestling”—distinct brands where the wrestlers are able to portray different roles and styles, showcasing their diverse abilities.

“ACTRING” is a theatrical experience, using the ring as a performance stage where plots and anime storyboards play a big role. Pro wrestling (moves & bouts) are incorporated into the scripted battle-act scenes. Actwres girl’Z performers play characters specific to ACTRING, with new shows premiering monthly.

In contrast, “ACTwrestling” is focused on solid pro wrestling shows with minimum staging and no elaborate setups. The stars perform as themselves (read: their joshi selves), and their goal is to connect with the fans while gaining Actwres girl’Z “points.”

Actwres girl'Z training

A promotion that runs under its own rules and regulations, ACTWrestling is creating a new and true form of sports entertainment 
 and a brand-new vibe.  At times, match cards are decided by fan votes and through the Actwres girl’Z point system. The Actwres girl’Z stars collect credit points by fan votes, individual ticket reservation sales, merchandise sales, participation in wrestling practices, number of media exposures, luck, etc. And their rankings help determine future show bookings.

AWG in the ring

Presently, the current Actresgirlz roster is made up mostly of newer and younger stars: Misa Matsui, Kouki, Sumikawa, Marino Saihara, Chika Gotoh, Natsuki, Naru, Chiaki, Iwai Kyoka, Marina Hamada, with many more to debut, under the mentoring and guidance of veterans Miku Aono, Act Yasukawa, Mari Sakamoto, Mii, and Yumi Agawa.

Now, international fans can experience the show across the promotion’s multiple outlets:

Streaming Service: Actwres girl’

YouTube Channel: GIRL’Z

Official Website: Actwres girl’

But that’s not all! Follow along with me on this website, as I take you through a journey of discovery—or, if you have been following AWG for a while, rediscovery—in a series of upcoming blog posts.  Stay tuned for individual spotlights on the roster members and so much more!

RESTRUCTURED AND REVITALIZED: How Actwres girl’Z Continues To Shape Joshi Pro Wrestling


Actwres girl'z training

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Actwres girl'z exercise

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Actwres girl'z training ring

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YouTube ăƒăƒŁăƒłăƒăƒ«: GIRL’Z

ć…ŹćŒăƒ›ăƒŒăƒ ăƒšăƒŒă‚ž: Actwres girl’

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Sareee poses

Following her stay in WWE NXT, “Sarray” is gone … but Sareee has returned to Japan to rejoin the fight!


IN MARCH 2023, Sareee confirmed her departure from WWE, where she had competed on the NXT brand for the better part of three years under the name of “Sarray.” Now, she has returned to her original home of Japan with a reignited purpose: to show what pro wrestling, from her perspective, is all about.

Ahead of her much-anticipated produce show, Sareee took the time from her busy schedule to meet up with PWI Japan correspondent Issa Marie at TERA CAFÉ SHIEN ZOJOJI in Tokyo, for a special, in-person interview.

“Pro wrestling is a fighting art,” Sareee told PWI. “Strong showing between opponents. And, after two years of not being able to show it, my goal is to reintroduce the fans to my core fighting style.”

Though she impressed sizable, global audiences with her spirited performances on NXT, longtime fans of Sareee knew that she was not being utilized to her full potential. Prior to signing with WWE in early-2020, and relocating to the U.S. months later, this prodigy wrestler seemed destined to carry on the legendary, traditional Japanese style of All Japan Women’s Pro-Wrestling. She debuted at age 15 for World Woman Pro-Wrestling Diana, the only organization to carry on All Japan Women’s training system under the tutelage of joshi greats Jaguar Yokota, Kyoko Inoue, Kaoru Ito, and Nanae Takahashi. She pushed her body to the limit, learning foundational pro wrestling moves that require long years of discipline to truly master.

Sareee poses, raising both hands

In doing so, Sareee became “the last surviving hope” of joshi strong style wrestling. After six impressive years with Diana, including a tag title reign with Yokota, she joined up with Takahashi’s burgeoning SEAdLINNNG promotion. At Meiko Satomura’s Sendai Girls, she battled Chihiro Hashimoto in a series of hard-hitting and globally acclaimed matches. After returning to Diana in 2018, she finally claimed her home promotion’s top single championship … twice.

So impressive was Sareee that she was publicly applauded by her wrestling idol, Antonio Inoki, gifted a mask by Satoru Sayama (Tiger Mask), and given the blessing of Masahiro Chono to use his STF hold. It is unsurprising, then, that Sareee was recruited by WWE, where she would spend two years of her career learning the entertainment aspect of the sport she held so dearly.

While signing a WWE contract is a lifelong goal for many grapplers, for Sareee, it was an exciting new challenge. “At the time I was recruited, I was unfamiliar with the company,” she admits. “I was told I would be able to be a similar version of the pro wrestler I was in Japan … however, it wasn’t long before everything changed.”

Often working alongside newer and less experienced talent, the NXT talent known as Sarray was notably more subdued than the fiery ring warrior who had initially grabbed the attention of the industry leader. Her look and on-screen persona also changed, much to the chagrin of longtime supporters.

“While it was not what I had expected, I have no regrets,” Sareee reflected. “That time in WWE, I was able to learn about the entertainment side of the ‘industry’ that is not as prominent in most Japanese promotions.”

Called “The Sun Goddess” for her explosiveness and charismatic in-ring presence, Sareee speaks kindly of her former coworkers. “I really enjoyed working with Zoey Stark and Tiffany (Stratton) during my time in NXT and training with Franky Monet (AEW’s Taya Valkyrie),” she said. “We (Franky and I) wanted to have a match on TV because we had great chemistry when we trained and practiced together. We even went to management to see if it would be possible, but it did not happen.”

Sareee poses

Sadly, there were other matches Sareee looked forward to that were, for various reasons, not able to take place. “When I first learned about NXT, I saw a match of Ember Moon (AEW’s Athena), and I was amazed by her,” she recalls. “We were supposed to have a match, but it was canceled.”

Similarly, planned bouts with Toni Storm and Meiko Satomura were called off. If given the chance, Sareee would still like to wrestle these women. She also expressed interest in facing record-setting WWE Raw champion Bianca Belair. “I am very curious about her strength, testing her abilities and her limits,” said Sareee.

Considering that she had strayed away from the big promotions while in Japan, it seems reasonable to wonder whether competing at NXT was ever in Sareee’s best interests. On the other hand, the move made perfect sense, given her desire to showcase her vision of pro wrestling on a worldwide platform. After all the unique challenges she has faced, we had to ask: Does “The Sun Goddess” have any advice for her Japanese peers who might be considering training and wrestling overseas?

Sareee poses, spreading arms

“If there’s an opportunity to go, go for it!” she says. “Opportunities are few and far between [for us], so take advantage of them! Go for the experience!”

And that experience has inspired the 12-year veteran to produce her own card, Sareee-ISM, taking place on May 16, 2023, at Shinjuku Face event hall in Tokyo. The event will feature joshi wrestlers carrying on the torch of the traditional fighting art of Japanese women’s pro wrestling.

“I want to thank all of the international fans gained for their support, by performing and fighting in the style of pro wrestling that I have always believed in and love,” said Sareee. But, above all, she wants to be able to meet the high expectations that have been set.

“I received a lot of support and encouragement from the fans during my time with WWE, which helped me pull through during the hardest of times,” she told PWI. “I really appreciate them all, and want to give back to those who supported me, by being the best version of myself. I am very grateful for you all and look forward to seeing everyone again!

If you are not in Japan to watch Sareee-ISM Chapter 1, fret not, as the event will be streamed LIVE at

Note: The English Language Option can be found in its drop-down menu, top right). Start time is 7:00 p.m. local time, (6:00 a.m. on the U.S. East Coast, and 3:00 a.m. Pacific).

Poster for Sareee-ISM, Chapter 1

The match card for Sareee-ISM is as follows:

Opening Match
Riko Kaiju (SEAdLINNNG) vs. Yurika Oka (Sendai Girls)
10-minute time limit

Second Match
AKARI (Pure-J) & Arisa Nakajima (SEAdLINNG) vs. Ibuki Hoshi (Ice Ribbon) &
Miyuki Takase (Freelancer)
20-minute time limit

Semi-Main Event
Jaguar Yokota (Diana) & Nanae Takahashi (Freelance) vs. Kaoru Ito (Ito Dojo) & X [mystery competitor to be revealed at a later date]
30-minute time limit

Main Event
Sareee vs Chihiro Hashimoto (Sendai Girls)
30-minute time limit

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Madoka Kikuta connects with a lariat

Dragongate’s Madoka Kikuta Gets Deja Vu, Challenges Shun Skywalker A Second Time


TWO YEARS TO the date of his last Open the Dream Gate challenge, Madoka Kikuta finds himself in familiar territory as he is, once again, challenging Shun Skywalker—the man he faced that fateful night for Dragongate’s top prize. And the self-proclaimed “Game Master” has not only reminded Kikuta of his inability to finish that match, he has also “demanded” that Kikuta earn the opportunity and privilege to face him.

Skywalker has put the Kikuta through the “SSW Quest,” a series of games designed to break Kituta’s will, prove that he is an unworthy contender, and eliminate the undeserving (in Shun’s estimation) D’Courage powerhouse. As of this writing, the games are still ongoing, but Kikuta has vowed “to not back down or run away, no matter what obstacle Shun puts in front of me.”

As the standout of the 2019 DG rookie class, Kikuta set himself apart from his classmates, partly due to his size. And not only his size, but, as Dragon Dia initially pointed out—and Dragongate’s Jae was gracious enough to translate for us—Kikuta’s “Pixar Mom” build. Shortly after aligning himself with the now-defunct R.E.D. unit, the young grappler (then dubbed “Hip Hop Kikuta”) challenged Skywalker at #DEADorALIVE2021. Skywalker, then the leader of MASQUERADE and the company’s youngest-ever Dream Gate champ, shut down Kikuta in a very short and career-derailing match. 

Kikuta dislocated his shoulder early in the bout and would go on to miss an entire year of in-ring action. He would eventually make his return at #DEADorALIVE2022, teaming with his dojo classmate, Jacky “Funky” Kamei. This followed Kikuta’s rejection of SB KENTo’s offer to join Z-Brats, which had evolved out of the discontinued R.E.D. group.

The old “Hip Hop” was no more. Madoka Kikuta began his urgent quest to reset and restart his career. Dragongate fans all over the world were excited for his return. However, many of those fans were concerned when Kikuta showed a lack of confidence in some matches. It was as if something wasn’t clicking; like there was no “SPARKING (in his) CORE.” Thankfully, it wasn’t long before those missing pieces fell into place.

After months spent reacclimating himself to Dragongate, Kikuta offered a lending hand to D’Courage—the team of Dragon Dia and former Open the Dream Gate champion Yuki Yoshioka—as their enforcer, as he needed to prove that he belonged. And it wasn’t long before he won the Open the Twin Gate championship with Dragon Dia, stepping up to show what he was made of in Shingo Takagi’s return match at #FinalGate2021. More recently, Kikuta won the #ReyDeParejas2023 tournament with Yuki Yoshioka.

In the February 2023 edition of Pro Wrestling Illustrated, I wrote that Dragongate “
is the promotion where units are families, who will love, support, train, and encourage one another.” And the “BEST BOYS,” as I often refer to them, exemplify just that! This is a family made up of three men who want to create a new chapter in Dragongate history. In his own words, Kikuta is “here to kick ass.”

On the path of boosting his confidence and winning titles, Kikuta still felt a void—a feeling that his purpose had yet to be defined. To the surprise to no one paying close attention, a special return match last Christmas set his career path on the trajectory it is today. At #FinalGate2022, Kikuta teamed with YAMATO to face BxB Hulk and the returning Shingo Takagi. “Standing toe to toe with all of the participants in the match gave me confidence and reassurance in my abilities as a pro wrestler,” reflects Kikuta.

Madoka Kikuta originally chose to join Dragongate after seeing Uhaa Nation (now known as Apollo Crews), who became the talk of wrestling fans worldwide through his incredible mix of power and agility. “I was inspired by him,” says Kikuta. And, indeed, the two share similarities in power, strength, and in-ring abilities—the very qualities the rising Dragongate star wants to see fans associate with him.

Kikuta tells us he wants to experience lucha libre first-hand, as many Dragongate stars have. However, his recent overseas tour began with a two-day stop in Singapore, where his opponents learned the power of his mighty hip attack. “If the money is right, I am game to go anywhere and wrestle anyone,” he said.  

So, what’s next for Madoka Kikuta and his D’Courage allies? “We are on a quest to hold all of the titles and be the unit that carries the new generation for DG,” Kikuta told PWI. “Don’t take your eyes off my ass!”

PWI will be present at Aichi Prefectural Gym on May 5, covering the action live. If you are in Japan, make your way to Nagoya to witness Dragongate’s first major event of 2023. If you can’t be there, you can still watch the action via the promotion’s streaming network at

And don’t forget: Two days earlier, the company’s May 3 live event from Kyoto KBS Hall will stream for free on the Dragongate Network. No registration will be required to watch!


Madoka Kikuta vs SB KENTo, First Round of King Of Gate Tournament 2022 (May 11, 2022)

Open the Twin Gate Championship Match, D’Courage (Dragon Dia & Madoka Kikuta) vs Kung Fu Masters (Jason Lee & Jacky “Funky” Kamei (September 19, 2022)

Rey de Parejas 2023 Semi Finals, D’Courage (Madoka Kikuta & Yuki Yoshioka) vs Z-Brats (Shun Skywalker & KAI) (March 3, 2023)

THE MORE THINGS CHANGE: Dragongate’s Madoka Kikuta Gets Deja Vu, Challenges Shun Skywalker A Second Time


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Madoka Kikuta connects with a lariat

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Stardom’s Hazuki Talks “Tag Team 100,” WWE Divas, More

Hazuki vs. Mayu Iwatani

DESPITE HER YOUNG age (and two years missed due to early retirement), Stardom mainstay Hazuki has already created a glowing reputation amongst pro wrestling fans in all parts of the globe.

After returning to the ring and teaming with fellow Stardom vet Koguma to win the 2021 Goddesses of Stardom tag league tournament, this talented grappler out of Fukuoka, Japan, re-established herself as something of a tag team specialist. At the same time, the 25-year-old Hazuki remains a formidable challenger to any singles gold, memorably challenging Mercedes Mone for the IWGP Women’s title in a triple-threat at NJPW’s Sakura Genesis 2023.

Earlier this year, Hazuki was kind enough to answer some of our questions in writing via a translator. The exchange is included here.

FWC with partner Saya Iida ahead of a Stardom Triangle Derby match

PWI: Together with Koguma, you ranked #5 in the 2022 PWI “Tag Team” 100 list. How do you feel about FWC’s success and progress as a duo over that period?

HZK: I was extremely happy that FWC was ranked 5th in the world rankings, and I was even happier that we were ranked 1st amongst women. If we hadn’t made a comeback from our retirements, we wouldn’t have been in this ranking, so I’m really glad we made a comeback. FWC’s tag work is unmatched by any tag team, and it’s become our goal to aim even higher in the future.

PWI: Is your preparation for a big tag team bout different than for a singles match? If yes, how so?

HZK: Tag teams can make up for what each individual can’t do and help each other. When it comes to singles, it’s a battle of individual strength, so it’s different.

But, during the 5☆STAR Grand Prix tournament in 2022, I think everyone was able to see Hazuki’s individual strengths, and, because of that, I was able to think about how FWC should be as a tag team.

PWI: Do you have any interest in facing teams outside of Japan, perhaps from WWE, AEW, or IMPACT Wrestling?

HZK: I always want to fight with various tag teams. It’s difficult to make these matches, but I want to compete with various people around the world and see how good our tag team is.

As our tag name [Fukuoka Double Crazy] suggests, we are a crazy tag team in many ways, so we want to absorb various things from working with other tag teams and want fans to know more about our crazy nature.

PWI: You grew up a fan of WWE wrestlers Kelly Kelly and Nikki Bella. Do you think the so-called “Divas” era gets a bad rap, compared to the harder-hitting style we see in Japan or even WWE today?

HZK: Japanese pro wrestling and the Divas Era have different fighting styles, but I’m glad I fell in love with WWE and fell in love with the Divas division. Without it, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

Professional wrestling is interesting because there are various fighting styles, and, when I became a pro wrestler, I realized that even more.

Hazuki attempts to submit Momo Kohgo in trios action

PWI: While growing up and watching WWE, did you watch any WrestleMania shows/matches? If so, please share with us some of your favorites and what you most enjoyed about them.

HZK: I have been to see WWE Live Events in Japan. At that time, I was in the back rows at Ryogoku Kokugikan, so it was far from the ring. But I had made a John Cena sign and waved it around when he made his entrance.

When I was watching it on TV, I was interested in CM Punk and Randy Orton, and trying to adopt some of their styles to my own.

Hazuki vs. Mayu Iwatani

PWI: What do you think it is about these events, such as WrestleMania, Wrestle Kingdom, and Stardom Dream Queendom, that leaves fans with such lasting memories?

HZK: Professional wrestling is a job that lets us live our dreams. And so, we want to have an atmosphere that will make you excited, just by our entrances, before the match even starts. And we hope those emotions make your day better.

When I saw WWE live, even though they were professional wrestlers just like me, their auras were different, and I almost cried feeling like I was a fan again.

Now, it’s my turn to stand in the ring, so I’ll do my best every day to impress the fans and give them hope and courage.

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Over WrestleMania Weekend, DDT Pro Wrestlers Battle Big Names From Game Changer Wrestling

Here’s What You Can Expect (In The Words Of The DDT Stars, Themselves!)


FOUR YEARS AFTER taking over NYC and its streets, DDT Pro Wrestling does Hollywood in the only way it can. As part of The Collective, Dramatic Dream Team (DDT Pro), is returning to the U.S. to bring back its essence and wild uniqueness to North America. The promotion will present two highly anticipated shows: DDT Goes Hollywood (March 30) and GCW vs. DDT (March 31).  And, if President Sanshiro Takagi, has his way, this two-day overseas tour will be the first of many of its kind. 

I had prepared a lengthy dissertation as to why you should buy your tickets to the show before they are all gone; but instead, I’ll let the DDT roster coming to Hollywood do the honors themselves:

“It’s been two months since my last visit [to the U.S.’, so I hope to hear ‘welcome back’ chants, okay? MAO is back!  I’m going to run wild! Look forward to the DDT style.” – MAO, who will be teaming with his ShunMAO partner, Shunma Katsumata, to take on Chris Brookes and Yoshihiko at DDT Goes Hollywood; then reuniting with his Moonlight Express partner, Mike Bailey, in a match versus the East West Express, Nick Wayne and Jordan Oliver, at GCW vs. DDT.

“I’m very glad to be able to take part in DDT’s Hollywood show!  I’ll turn America into a sauna, so please give me your support!  I hope you feel my NEPPOWER!” – Shunma Katsumata, who also teams with his frenemy, Chris Brookes, and Mizuki Watase to take on Second Gear Crew at GCW vs. DDT.

“I’ve been dreaming of wrestling in America ever since I was Universal champion! My dream! Wait for me, and please remember my overflowing NEPPOWER! Neppower is my fighting spirit!” – Yuki Ueno, who will be facing Konosuke Takeshita at DDT Goes Hollywood, following their time limit draw at Itabashi Green Hall back in January; and Joey Janela at GCW vs. DDT.

Saki Akai

“DDT’s first Hollywood show! Everyone couldn’t come over, so I’ll do my best for the rest who couldn’t make it over to show the joys of DDT! Please enjoy the world of DDTâ˜ș My long limbs and kicks! And how graceful I am ♡” – Saki Akai, who will be facing Vertvixen at DDT Goes Hollywood and DARK Sheik at GCW vs. DDT.

“I won my very first KO-D openweight championship at the New York show in 2019, so [the U.S.] is a special country to me.  This time, I’ll make sure to be at the Hollywood show as Universal champion and make it a success with my high-flying moves and these big buttocks of mine that are disproportionate to my upper half,” – #AndNew DDT Universal champion, Tetsuya Endo, who will be facing Joey Janela at DDT Goes Hollywood; in an effort to avenge his loss during the 2022 D-Oh Tournament, he teams with Jun Akiyama to take on Tony Deppen and Homicide at GCW vs. DDT.

Jun Akiyama

“I hope that American pro wrestling fans can see how intense our wrestling is.  Even in my 31st year as a wrestler, I’ll show you that I can still be aggressive,” – Jun Akiyama, who will be teaming with Eddie Kingston at DDT Goes Hollywood, and will be teaming with his BURNING mate, Endo, to take on Tony Deppen and Homicide at GCW vs DDT.

“America will be my first time overseas, so I’m very excited. I’ll tap out whoever my opponent may be. What I hope you remember is … my Cobra Twist and everything about me!” – KANON, who is teaming with DAMNATION T.A.’s Charisma (Daisuke Sasaki) to take on Eddie Kingston and Jun Akiyama at DDT Goes Hollywood.

Yuki Ino

“SEXY!! OH! SEXY!! SEXY!!!” Pheromones’ Yuki Iino, who along with Danshoku “Dandy” Dieno, will be facing DDT’s Peter Pan, President Sanshiro Takagi, and DDT/AEW star Michael Nakazawa at DDT Goes Hollywood; at GCW vs DDT, the Pheromones will be unleashed when they take on BUSSY (Allie Katch and EFFY).

“I won a young guys’ league in DDT to go to Hollywood. I have to show I’m the number one in the young guys.  I learned Shorinji-kempo, which is a Japanese martial art. So, I want you to see my kick and punch.” – Takeshi Masada

If you haven’t done so, get your tickets before they sell out … these are two shows you won’t want to miss!


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Act Yasukawa Looks To Hollywood

Act Yasukawa pose by Issa Marie

The Actwres girl’Z Star Brings Her “Evil Actress Spirit” To WrestleMania Weekend


THE “JAPANESE DRUNKEN Samurai” with the “Evil Actress Spirit” is headed to Hollywood, and you do not want to miss out on seeing her!

The former Act Yasukawa, better known for wrestling in STARDOM as a member of Oedo Tai, wants fans to meet ACT (pronounced AKUTO), the current incarnation of Yasukawa representing ACT Wrestling (popularly known as Actwres girl’Z, or AWG).  “I am ready for the fans to meet this current and revolutionized version, ACT, who is very different from the past version most fans are familiar with.”

Act Yasukawa competed by Issa Marie

In pro wrestling, fans and analysts continually talk about the importance of an alternative. They reason that it makes sense to provide a product that is more appealing to a different demographic. Yet, when you look at most promotions—specifically in Japan—you will notice that nearly all of them share a similar structure in their training and business models.

And that is why AWG stands out. ACT wants to show the wrestling world the diverse talent that resides in the growing promotion, which, notably, differs from all others in one key way. “All of us are professional actresses,” she said. “Every expression, every move, we put our soul and heart to entertain the audience.  The organization is still very new when compared to the other promotions, but there is so much potential and talent in every member. Everyone has what it takes to become a superstar.  And, when we do come out to the states as a group, I want the US fans already looking forward to Actwres girl’Z.”

Act Yasukawa competed by Issa Marie

While that group trip hasn’t yet been realized, ACT is looking forward to the new experience of representing AWG over WrestleMania Weekend. “Previously, at Stardom, I traveled and wrestled as a member of Oedo Tai,” she recalls. “But this time, I am on my own, tagging with Aspyn Rose for the first time, as well as being a part of a four-way match against Brooke Havok, Kidd Bandit, and Billie Starkz. I have to prepare for the match, study their movements.  I am looking forward to it.” 

Indeed, with the latter four-way, Relentless Wrestling is starting off WrestleMania Weekend by giving us joshi fans a dream match we did not know we needed in our lives!

Act Yasukawa pose by Issa Marie

Speaking of dream matches, ACT is no stranger to them.  When asked to name hers, she could not settle on a single bout. “I have to say, it was Yuzuki Aikawa, August 19, 2012, Stardom 5STAR Grand Prix [tournament] match,” she said. “Or versus Kairi Hojo (KAIRI), on January 26, 2014, the Wonder of Stardom championship belt match. I cannot decide, because both bouts gave me a special impression that I will never forget.”

For the fans that will be introduced to her via her many appearances during WrestleMania Week, ACT has a personal message: “Hello everyone, I’m ACT from Actwres girl’Z. I am the ‘Japanese Drunken Samurai,’ by loving the Japanese culture and its sake, as I am called the ‘Evil Actress Spirit.’  Please enjoy meeting my different personalities, in and out of the ring. If you enjoy meeting me and my pro wrestling, I would also like you to know Actwres girl’Z through me.  Thank you very much!”

WrestleMania Week Schedule:

Act Yasukawa pose by Issa Marie

March 29

Pandemonium:  Pro Wrestling
5:00 – 7:30 pm PDT
Don Quixote Event Center

Relentless Wrestling
9:00 – 11:00 pm PDT
Don Quixote Event Center

March 31

WrestleCon (appearance/signing)
9:00 am – 2:00 pm & 3:00 – 5:00 pm PDT
Millennium Biltmore Hotel

April 1

WrestleCon (appearance/signing)
9:00 am – 2:00 pm PDT
Millennium Biltmore Hotel

April 2

WrestleCon (appearance/signing)

9:00 am – 2:00 pm PDT
Millennium Biltmore Hotel

Merchandise for Sale

Red USA-Exclusive T-shirts
Black USA-Exclusive T-shirts
4 different Act portraits
Two Shots (Cheki)
Act Yasukawa Lapel Pins
Actwres girl’Z Lapel Pins
Act Yasukawa Stickers
Additional Actwres girl’Z portraits