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#DGinSingapore Will See Dragongate Wrestlers vs. Singapore All Stars


THE GODFATHER OF South Asian pro wrestling, Ho Ho Lun, is bringing Dragongate back to Singapore after a lengthy absence—continuing in his quest to show the beauty of pro wrestling across Asia!

This latest outing comes on the heels of an action-packed #ChampionGate2023 weekend, where we saw Jason Lee be crowned Open the Brave Gate champion in a must-watch match against Minorita, Shun Skywalker leverage his experience to escape with the win over Killer (Strong) Machine J, and D’Courage lose after an impressive #ReydeParejas2023 Tournament showing. Now, a team of Dragongate’s best is headed to Singapore to face the 2023 “Singapore All Stars,” in collaboration with Ring of Rebirth on March 10 and 11.

When asked which match, from a fan perspective, he was looking forward to the most, Lun did not hesitate in response. “Of course, the main event match of night one, the Horrors (Dr. Gore and Da Butcherman) vs. YAMATO and Dragon Kid,” he said. “It’s going to be a great match!” 

And if you have been paying close attention on social media, you know this battle will be the talk of the town, from facial makeover threats to scalping. With the (questionable) “Super Baby Face” YAMATO’s evil self now resurfacing, to the point where there is no way to tell which version of YAMATO we are getting, this match is poised to steal the show.

Lun also wants fans to keep an eye out for the rematch four years in the making, pitting BIG BOSS Shimizu “The Statement” Andruew Tang. Shimizu has the height and strength advantage on paper, but never count out Tang out. Could this contest lead to a potential challenge from the Singaporean grappler for the Open the Twin Gate championship? Shimizu’s recent whirlwind tour of the U.S., which saw him mount three defenses of that title in seven days, certainly gives an edge of freshness to his opponent here. 

Elsewhere on the card, Susumu Mochizuki is set to face DJ KAL. In addition, Erfie, Ahmad Arif, Showtime, Jullian, Crypto Bro LK, Jacky Ng (with Caramel Prata), and Big T will be in action throughout the weekend.

Lun, not one to be left out, is teaming with D’Courage’s Yuki Yoshioka and Madoka Kikuta to face Aiden Rex, BIG DAVE, and The Eurasian in a six-man tag. Six-man bouts have become a signature of Dragongate, continuing to make the company stand apart from all other promotions worldwide.

While night one will offer local fans a taste of six-man action, the Singapore live crowd will be treated to a proper Dragongate trios match on night two, when the aforementioned Yoshioka and Kikuta team up with Susumu Mochizuki to take on YAMATO, Dragon Kid, and BIG BOSS Shimizu.  

If you live in Singapore or are happen to be traveling to Singapore in the coming days, head over to the Eurasian Community House on March 10 and 11 to watch some amazing pro wrestling.  Tickets can be purchased via Peatix or by contacting the wrestlers (Lun included!) directly. 

For those who cannot attend, the shows will be made available on the Dragongate Network at a later date, so please ensure you are subscribed.

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BIG BOSS Shimizu executes a brainbuster variation

Dragongate’s BIG BOSS Shimuzu Tours The U.S.


NATURAL VIBES POWERHOUSE, BIG BOSS Shimizu, is on his first U.S. tour. Dragongate’s chameleon, due to his ability to transform and embody every personality he has been given since his debut, is hoping to show the new fans who are getting to meet him for the first time what he is all about.  “I am hopeful that the fans will be able to feel my passion and see my strength through my pro wrestling,” Shimizu said last Saturday at MLW’s #SuperFight.

BIG BOSS Shimizu executes a brainbuster variation

That passion was felt on February 3 at #GardenStateV, in his match against Robert Martyr, and, more notably, on February 4, at the historic 2300 (ECW) Arena. At the latter show, when NATURAL VIBES’ music was cut in the earlier part of their entrance, Kzy (singing acapella) and Boss got the crowd in sync to start the party.  

Growing up a fan of WCW and ECW, BOSS was more than excited to face the Full Blooded Italians (FBI) in defense of the Open the Twin Gate championship that night. “Sharing the ring with Little Guido is a dream come true,” said Shimizu. 

As he was getting ready for the match, we had to keep the conversation short, but I managed to ask the important questions: Since arriving in the U.S., Shimizu has enjoyed Popeye’s Crispy Chicken Sandwich the most; he believes the that the finals for Dragongate’s #ReydeParejas2023 will be NATURAL VIBES’ Jacky Funky Kamei & Jason Lee vs The Strong Machines, J & F.

In closing, Shimizu has a message for you and other PWI readers: “Since it is my first time wrestling in the U.S., I will ensure every one of my matches is memorable and enjoyable for the fans!  Thank you for your support during my first U.S. tour and I look forward to meeting you all at the venues.”   

U.S. Tour Schedule 

02-09 New Texas Pro Wrestling (Seminar & Match)
02-18 WrestleRave (Texas) 
02-25 MEW (Alabama) 
02-26 ETU (New Jersey) 


BIG BOSS Shimizu vs KAI, Open the Dream Gate Title Match, March 6, 2022

Highlights BIG BOSS Shimizu vs BxB Hulk, Z-Brats vs NATURAL VIBES Singles Match, October 10, 2022

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IT IS KZY TIME … And The U.S. Is About To Go Crazy!

It's Kzy Time!



It's Kzy Time!


DURING THE MONTH of February, the leader of Dragongate’s NATURAL VIBES, Kzy, and the unit’s powerhouse, BIG BOSS Shimizu, will be wrestling throughout the U.S.—East to West Coast and some in between!

When I was still in Japan, I had the opportunity to speak with Kzy just days ahead of the tour announcement. He is the man in charge of Dragongate’s most beloved faction, NATURAL VIBES, known for its feel-good energy, music, and, most importantly, being the blueprint for what a cohesive unit should be.

NATURAL VIBES (Good Vibes Only): Dragongate

“We stay true to who we are,” explains Kzy. “We respect each other, support each other. There are no betrayals.  We are made up of ‘Good Vibes Only.’”

Since re-establishing NATURAL VIBES, Kzy has focused his efforts on coaching and mentoring the next generation of talent in Dragongate.  “When the first iteration of NATURAL VIBES was established, I had Susumu (Mochizuki) and Genki (Horiguchi) to help develop me as a top player,” he said. “After their departure from the unit, I assumed their former roles in order to pay it forward to the younger generation of wrestlers that make up NATURAL VIBES, Chapter 3: Jacky, Jason, and (Strong Machine) J.” 

In my interviews with Jacky Funky Kamei, Jason Lee, and Strong Machine J (SMJ), each effusively praised the group’s leader, with SMJ acknowledging it was Kzy who gave him the opportunity and the platform to be the truest version of himself. Without such a supportive captain, NATURAL VIBES simply would not be what it is today.

Big Boss Shimizu & Kzy

Given the choice, I wondered whether Kzy preferred being the undisputed “Top Guy” in Dragongate or being a leader among his peers. He doesn’t see the two as being mutually exclusive. “As a leader, I always strive to be in the limelight,” he admitted. “But helping the younger wrestlers become the next generational group to lead the promotion ignites the fire and grit within [me] to continue to fight harder to achieve my results. Helping them elevates me.” 

While that may be true, those who have followed Kzy’s career have wondered when it will finally be his time to reign as Open the Dream Gate champion. That includes the NATURAL VIBES leader himself. “Seeing all the younger wrestlers thrive and become champion, from the lens of the promotion, I am very happy to see,” Kzy told PWI. “However, personally, it is frustrating [to not become champion]. In Dragongate, timing is everything. And when the time is right, I will be ready to take advantage of it.” 

Perhaps his journey overseas will enable the veteran wrestler to become closer to undeniable. And what should U.S. fans expect from Kzy? “In every state and venue I will be wrestling at, it is going to be fun,” he said. It is going to be loud, it is going to be exciting!”

Dragongate fans will nod their heads in agreement. They have learned to expect nothing less from “Mr. All Gas No Breaks, Mr. Full Throttle!”

Take it from the man himself: “That is why it is always Kzy Time.” 

If you have never seen Kzy wrestle before, you are in for a treat! 

At the end of this article, we will provide you with some recommended matches to watch via YouTube. However, the one that solidified everything for Kzy is available exclusively on the DRAGONGATE Network ( This is Open the Dream Gate challenge against PAC on February 10, 2019. 

Even though Kzy was not victorious in the end, he proved that he could go toe to toe with a world-class wrestler, giving him the confidence in his ability that he can stand with the best on the planet

U.S. Tour Schedule for Kzy & BIG BOSS Shimizu


02-03 GSPW (New Jersey) 

02-04 MLW (Philadelphia) 

02-17 Prestige (Portland) 

02-18 BLP (Chicago) 

02-25 MEW (Alabama) 

02-26 ETU (New Jersey) 


BIG BOSS Shimizu displays his impressive strength

02-03 GSPW (New Jersey) 

02-04 MLW (Philadelphia) 

02-18 WrestleRave (Texas) 

02-25 MEW (Alabama) 

02-26 ETU (New Jersey) 


Kzy vs. Shun Skywalker, 12-16-2022

Kzy vs. Shun Skywalker, Kobe Pro Wrestling Festival 2021, 07-31-2021

Kzy vs. Kota Minoura, King of Gate 2021, 06-03-2021




2月ではNATURAL VIBESのリーダーであるKzy選手とBIG BOSS清水選手が渡米することになりました!

アメリカンツアーが発表前に運よくKzy選手と話す機会がありました。彼がドラゴンゲートの最愛であるユニットNATURAL VIBESのリーダーです。改めて紹介しますが、NATURAL VIBESはエネルギーと音楽で知られている中、彼らの結束力がユニットのあるべき姿でもあります。


「私達は私達に誠実であり続ける。お互いに尊重し、支え合っている。裏切りなんてしない。私達はいつもGood Vibes Onlyで構成されている」

NATURAL VIBESを再結成して以来Kzy選手は次世代選手の指導や育成に力を注いでいます。「NATURAL VIBESが立ち上げた当初は望月ススムさんと堀口元気さんにトッププレイヤーとして育ててくれました。彼らがユニットを離脱した後、NATURAL VIBES第3章を構成する若い世界のジャッキー、ジェイソン、とストロングマシーンJに恩返しするために、彼ら(望月と堀口)の役割を引き継ぎました。」

ジャッキーとジェイソン選手、そしてストロング・マシーンJ選手のインタビューでは、それぞれがリーダーを絶賛し、J選手は真の自分であるための機会を与えてくれたのはKzy選手であると認めている。NATURAL VIBESはこんな協力的なリーダーがいなければ、今のような姿にはならなかっただろう。









2月3日 GSPW、ニュージャージー州







2月3日 GSPW、ニュージャージー州








King of Gate 2021年、2021年6月3日


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DDT Pro’s MAO and Shunma Katsumata Come To Prestige Wrestling

DDT Pro’s MAO and Shunma Katsumata Come To Prestige Wrestling


IT HAS BEEN (almost) four years since Dramatic Dream Team (DDT) last came to America. Now that travel bans have been lifted, and DDT Pro is set to “Go Hollywood” over WrestleMania Weekend., fans in California are being treated to a sneak peak of what to expect in March. That’s because MAO and Shunma Katsumata make their Prestige Wrestling debut at this Saturday’s VENDETTA event.

Those who are unfamiliar with #ddtpro, MAO, and/or Shunma will be introduced to “the honest to goodness anything goes DDT style; the perfect example of what personifies the core of DDT wrestling,” as MAO so eloquently put it!

MAO, who is no stranger to wrestling in the U.S.—who can forget his Weapon’s Rumble Match against DDT’s President Sanshiro Takagi at DDT is COMING TO AMERICA?—as well as Europe, is very excited to re-introduce his “F****d Up Wrestling For A F****dUp World.” His previously scheduled tour (with his Moonlight Express partner, Mike Bailey) was derailed due to the global pandemic.

At Prestige, MAO will be wrestling against Kevin Blackwood in what will be a fast-paced, hard-hitting match. It’s a bout that I can guarantee you will not want to miss. And you can catch it streaming live via at 7 p.m. PST, 10 p.m. EST.

For his part, DDT’s “Happy Boy,” Shunma Katsumata, is traveling outside of Japan for the first time in his life … and he could not be more excited!  “It will be a whole new world for me to experience,” said Katsumata. “In preparation for this trip, I have been watching YouTube videos of California to get a feel for the area.”

He continued: “As the Genki member Sauna KAMINA (#T37K), I want the fans in the U.S. to see and understand how happy I am every time I step in the ring and how much I truly enjoy wrestling.” 

But do not be fooled by all the happiness you might see … because Shunma Katsumata will tap into his hardcore alter ego when the situation calls for it. And, in his no-holds-barred match with Sonico, I would not be surprised to see him “LEGO” and “NEPPOWER” himself to victory!

To see more of MAO and Shunma Katsumata, make sure to subscribe to #wrestleUNIVERSE. And stay tuned to this blog for a more in-depth spotlight of both wrestlers on the road to DDT Goes Hollywood!

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Shun vs. Yuki


Why He Will Conquer The Wrestling World

Shun Skywalker raises his hand


LAST TIME WE spoke with Dragongate’s self-proclaimed savior, Shun Skywalker, he was headed to Mexico and the U.S., to show his ruthless strength and prove why he personifies the level of talent DG has to offer. And, in the two months since his return, Skywalker has been on a tear:

1. Took the Triangle Gate title from M3K
2. Championed the disbandment of HIGH END
3. Challenged for the Dream Gate Championship.

But what about his quest to end Kzy and NATURAL VIBES?

“We will, how do you say it …” he says, searching for the right words.

Put a pin in it?

“Yes, put a pin on that,” agreed Skywalker. He then added, with a maniacal laugh, “for now!”

Shun Skywalker applies a cravat hold.

At this moment, Skywalker is applying some of the lessons he learned during his recent North American tour.

“While there are many great wrestlers in Dragongate, in America, I found many wrestlers with different talent, attributes, styles, wrestling psychology … something I had not seen or experienced before,” he revealed. “I also returned to Mexico to train, gain new experience, work with the promotions I was not able to work with during the global pandemic, and wrestle luchadores I have wanted to work with, like Dragon Lee, Komander, Jack Evans, Aeroboy, and Ciclon Ramirez Jr.”

Though he locked up with numerous wrestlers—and briefly wore the MLW World middleweight title—Skywalker was able to single out a favorite battle. “My match in GCW against Nick Wayne,” he said, citing the teenage prodigy currently under a developmental-like deal with AEW. “His ideas and style embody what pro wrestling is. He has a great and promising future. And I am excited to see what the future holds for him … and what our next match will be like.”

Originally, Skywalker indicates he had no immediate plans to return to the U.S. However, on November 24, he was announced as the second entrant in the 2023 edition of the celebrated Battle of Los Angeles tournament. The announcement prompted us to reach out to him for a follow-up.

Shun Skywalker's maniacal laughter

During his 2019/2020 excursion, Shun Skywalker had expressed his desire to wrestle at Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (home of the BOLA tourney) and face the likes of Bandido, Mike Bailey, A-Kid, and Lucky Kid. Unfortunately, the pandemic derailed any possibility of making those match-ups a reality. When Skywalker returned to Japan, he captured the prestigious Open the Dream Gate championship; however, the proverbial Gates were still closed worldwide. Now, there’s nothing stopping him from continuing to show the world his style of wrestling; that he is, in his mind, the greatest wrestler on the planet; and why PWG wants Shun Skywalker.

“My first-round match is against Aramis, but I am also looking forward to the prospect of wrestling Konosuke Takeshita, Daniel Garcia, Lio Rush, Komander, and my teacher, friend, brother, and rival, Bandido,” Skywalker said. “Three years ago, when wrestling shows were suspended, I spent most of my time in Mexico training with Bandido. He has beaten me twice, has made his mark in the world, is an AEW-contracted wrestler. But I do not think he is better than me. I have gained the power and the experience I did not have at the time we faced each other … and have evolved as a beautiful idol with a crazy spirit.”

Skywalker, confident in his own abilities, has vowed that he will win the 2023 Battle of Los Angeles tournament. But he’s also got other things on his wild mind. On Christmas Day, he interrupted Ben-K and Yuki Yoshioka as they thanked one another for the great match they’d just had—a gesture of goodwill that Skywalker did not appreciate!

Shun vs. Yuki

“Certainly, Ben-K vs Yuki Yoshioka was a good match,” he acknowledged. “In pro wrestling, there needs to be respect between opponents. However, wrestlers do not need to make commercialized praise and shows of affection. When I heard their declarations in the ring, I grabbed a microphone and spoke my mind.”

In his view, the current Dream Gate champ is simply not the best man for the job. “Yuki Yoshioka should not hold the title that shined the brightest when it was mine,” he said. “I do not want the Dream Gate championship [belt] that he has…I detest the title ‘HE’ holds and I have no interest in carrying that unnecessary baggage. But, I do not want someone who is weak, has devalued the title, and whose stupid fans just love his cheap impressions. So, I issued the challenge.”

Shun Skywalker brawls outside the ring

And we do not have to wait long to see that match! Dragongate General Manager, Ryo Saito (SaiRyo), made the title bout official for the company’s January 12 Korakuen Hall show. Taking place just days after Skywalker’s PWG jaunt, the DG show will be streaming live via with English commentary.

Make sure you subscribe! Because, the day before that match, Shun Skywalker and the rest of Z-Brats will be involved in a unit-disbandment match against HIGH END (YAMATO and Dragon Kid), with the assistance of Takashi Yoshida and Problem Dragon.

“In Dragongate, broken or incomplete units are unnecessary,” said Skywalker. “In the hierarchy of units, HIGH END does not belong or deserve the place they continue to hold. SaiRyo, as a former wrestler, and now GM, has betrayed the unit code and has used his power and position to allow for the emotional nepotism they represent. If the GM is not apt to do his job, then Shun Skywalker will take over. I will enforce my laws and police all the undeserving talent in Dragongate.”

Shun Skywalker laughs on the entrance ramp

Though he may be a little autocratic, Skywalker still knows where his bread is buttered. Thus, he has a message for fans who watched him on his most recent excursion. “I know you enjoyed my matches,” he said. “I understood when you said, ‘I love Shun, I want Shun, I need Shun in my life.’ I know you want me back and want me booked at those shows again. Do not forget to remind the promoters to do so.”




  1. M3Kからトライアングル・ゲート奪還
  2. HIGH ENDの解散宣言
  3. オープン・ザ・ドリーム・ゲート挑戦表明










元々スカイウォーカー選手はアメリカに戻る予定はなかったが11月24日PWG 「Battle of Los Angeles 2023年」に出場することになりました。その発表で今回の記事に至りました。





Shun Skywalker taunts his opponent




Shun Skywalker poses backstage







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From NATURAL VIBES To Kung Fu Masters

Lee & Kamei pose with the Open the Twin Gate tag team title belts

From NATURAL VIBES To Kung Fu Masters

The Two Faces Of Jason Lee & Jacky Funky Kamei

Lee & Kamei pose with the Open the Twin Gate tag team title belts


IN PRO WRESTLING, one needs to develop a character or persona that resonates with an audience. This is no easy task to accomplish merely once—just ask any wrestler who has cycled through multiple gimmicks over the course of a career.

Imagine, then, a tag team ably portraying multiple characters within the same wrestling company … at the same time.

Lee & Kamei vs. Z-Brats

Indeed, it is a major challenge to embody two different characters and the relationships those characters have—completely distinct and unique—and yet, DRAGONGATE’s Jason Lee and Jacky Funky Kamei have managed to do just that!

Both members of the NATURAL VIBES unit, Lee and Kamei make for an awesome pair. Lee introduces himself as the “pro wrestler from Hong Kong that represents DG, able to master everything he does.” While Kamei is the self-described “funky energetic Jackie Chan lookalike with a deadly POW!”

Given their respective namesakes (Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan) and connections to the culture and land, the two tandem specialists decided to create a Hong Kong-centric unit of their own. (Note: DG is based in Kobe, home to a large Chinatown area named Nankinmachi.)

A deftly applies submission hold

Realizing that a two-wrestler unit would not be able to survive long in DG’s competitive landscape, invitations were extended to Hong Kong native Ho Ho Lun and his friend Super Shenlong III.

When asked if it’s ever confusing to alternate between their original personas and newer personas, Lee is nonplussed. “Honestly, no,” he told PWI. “Kung Fu Masters (KFM) is more a comedy unit, something I do not mind doing. However, the Jason Lee you see wrestle as part of NV (Natural Vibes), the technically sound, high-speed athlete with an infusion of kung fu, is who I am.”

So, if he must pick one version of Jason Lee, which does he prefer? “NV Jason Lee, definitely!”

For the record, KFM’s Jason and Jacky are more than just a comedy act. At Kobe World Festival 2022, they dethroned Open the Twin Gate champions Shun Skywalker & Diamante—pound-for-pound, one of the promotion’s biggest, most dominant, and most agile duos. Interestingly, the so-called comedy unit seems to have made its members more confident in their abilities.

“KFM has given me the ability to expand my range when speaking on the microphone, show that a wrestler with a small body, big heart, who will never give up, is not limited in the ring,” said Kamei. “My style remains the same for the most part … displays of strength, with the ability to cover every inch of the ring, and strike from any angle.”

And, while both Kamei and Lee have desires to win singles titles in a not-too-distant future, they both prefer tag team wrestling. “With a great partner,” adds Lee. “Like I’ve had with Kota Minoura, and now Jacky.”

“In a tag team, you have the ability to develop and create powerful team moves,” Kamei said. “Which requires a combination of strength and skills.”

Moreover, Lee & Kamei have plans to conquer the world as a team … and regain the Twin Gate title they lost to D’Courage in Tokyo. “I truly believe the outcome [of the match] would have been different, had they faced the NV team,” said Lee. “KFM, the unit that is specific to Kobe … We were at a disadvantage by not having the energy, power, and the spirit of the community with us.”
And having been there in September to witness the loss, this author cannot disagree with Lee’s assessment.


NATURAL VIBES to Kung Fu Masters

With that, we leave you with Lee & Kamei’s parting words for readers of our ongoing DRAGONGATE Series:

“I hope to have more fans learn about and watch DG. And, when I wrestle again in the U.S. and Mexico, new fans and current fans come to watch and support during the tours.” – Jason Lee

“Please everyone watch and support DG and my FUNKY wrestling! POW POW!” – Jacky Funky Kamei


Jacky Funky Kamei vs SB KENTo, October 17, 2021

Jason Lee vs Shun Skywalker, April 25, 2022

Jason Lee & Jacky Funk Kamei vs. Diamante & Shun Skywalker, July 30, 2022

Kung Fu Masters vs. Genki Horiguchi & Teelan Shisa, November 19, 2022

NATURAL VIBESからカンフー・マスターズへ



















みなさん是非DRAGONGATEと私のファンキーレスリングを見てくださいね!POW POW!

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Shingo Takagi Returns At DRAGONGATE Fan Appreciation Night

Shingo Takagi

DRAGONGATE Fan Appreciation Night (Shingo Takagi Returns!)

PWI’s Ringside Report (12.06.22)


THE FIRST OF hopefully many DRAGONGATE Fan Appreciation Nights gave us a glimpse of what’s to come on the road to FinalGate2022, offered an impressive rookie debut, solidified the greatness of Masaaki Mochizuki, and gave us the return of NJPW’s Shingo Takagi after a four-year absence from the company. In other words: FAN SERVICE at its best!

If you have not watched the show, do yourself a favor and go do so! It is FREE! No sign-up required; all you have to do is type on your web browser and select the “English Commentary” option for the 12.6 show. It does not get any easier than that.

The night began with a fast-paced tag team match between Kaito Nagano (who debuted three months ago, yet is wrestling like he has been doing it for much longer) and Dragon Dia vs. the Z-Brats team of ISHIN and Diamante. I am still waiting for that ‘Mante/Nagano singles match, DG!

In the second match of the night, rookie Yoshiki Kato had his debut match against Madoka Kikuta. Talk about a show of strength between these two … the future looks so so bright for Kato!

Strong Machine J displayed more and more of that aggressiveness he’s shown since April. The second-generation wrestler showed he is not always full of “Good Vibes Only” in the six-man tag team match pitting NATURAL VIBES (SMJ, Jacky Funky Kamei, and one-half of the newly crowned Open the Twin Gate champions, Kzy) against the M3K team of Kanda Yasushi, Mochizuki Jr., and Susumu Mochizuki.

One-third of DDT’s KO-D 6-Man tag champs, Naruki Doi, teamed with Shuji Kondo and Eita to take on Gold Class – (Minorita, Ben-K, and Kota Minoura). This match was a great reminder that the former Takumi Hayakawa is a fighter and that we are closer and closer to seeing Eita on the path to great things. Eita did signal to Doi and Kondo that the three of them would make a great team to challenge for the Triangle Gate (trios) title.

Speaking of that prestigious trios title … in a surprising turn of events, Takashi Yoshida pinned one-third of the Triangle Gate champions, KAI, during the eight-man tag between High End and co. (YAMATO, Dragon Kid, Takashi Yoshida, and Problem Dragon) and the Z-Brats team of BxB Hulk, Shun Skywalker, KAI, and H.Y.O.

Shingo Takagi

The win was overshadowed when a piece of all-too-familiar entrance music started to play as BxB Hulk was about to put away YAMATO with a First Flash. Hulk was visibly shaken and became emotional when Shingo Takagi walked out.  The “Rampage Dragon” made his intentions known, as the match has been set for Final Gate!  Shingo Takagi and BxB Hulk will face YAMATO and Madoka Kikuta in the “Shingo Takagi is Back! Special Tag Team Match.”

The night ended with Yuki Yoshioka defeating the “Iron Man” himself, Masaaki Mochizuki, for a fourth successful defense of the Open the Dream Gate championship.

Still, at 52 years old, “Mocchy” pulled all the stops and once again solidified why he is one of the best, hands down.  And Yoshioka keeps showing glimpses of the inferno that burns within.  You want and need to watch this match!  You’ll thank yourself for it.

Yuki Yoshioka

The second Fan Appreciation broadcast is scheduled for December 11 from Nagoya. This show will again broadcast for free at No sign-up is required!

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DRAGONGATE’s Braveheart: A Candid Conversation With U-T

U-T shows off his tag team title belt

DRAGONGATE’s Braveheart: A Candid Conversation With U-T

U-T is seated at a table, donning casual clothes, with a potted plant beside him

Text & Photos by Issa Marie

IN ALL ASPECTS of life, representation matters!

Imagine being a nine-year-old child attending a pro wrestling event and seeing a wrestler who personifies who you are in size and stature—inspiring a small fan to become the athlete they believed they could never be, due to their body composition.

That child, U-T, remembers seeing Dragon Kid wrestle live for the first time, being mesmerized by his athleticism, his grit, and immediately adoring the man who, most importantly, reminded him of himself.

“Throughout my career, my opponents have always underestimated me, my abilities due to my size,” says U-T. “They see me as the target, the weakest link of a unit that can be bullied, even when I have shown time and time again that is not the case.  My drive, heart, and passion more than compensate for the perceived lack of height and strength.”

U-T throws a dropkick

These sentiments were shared most recently in an online exchange with Shun Skywalker, in which U-T, member of the “Good Vibes Only” unit NATURAL VIBES and one-half of the Ryukyu Dragon Souryu-Ou champions with Kzy, admitted he has envied Skywalker’s physique, strength, and the potential he showed since his debut. However, U-T would never compromise himself—his soul—to achieve any levels of results.

Interestingly, it was a match against Skywalker where things first clicked into place for U-T.  “On December 4, 2018, at Korakuen Hall, Shun and I had a special singles matches,” recalled U-T. “Even though I was the senior wrestler, Shun had been showing that he indeed had ‘Star Power’ and that he would soon be at the top of DRAGONGATE. While everyone expected Shun to beat me, the match ended in a 20-minute time-limit draw.  This match allowed me to show the fans the wrestling style that has defined me since—[that of] a llave technician. The match also gave me confidence as a wrestler, something I was missing at the time.”

U-T uses a llave-style hold

And, now that the rivalry between Z-Brats and Natural Vibes has reached an end—at least for the time being—U-T will shift his focus back to the Open the Brave Gate championship.

“Before I can challenge, I need to achieve some results,” he said. “Get the wins that will set me on the path to the title.” U-T last challenged for the belt, which is DRAGONGATE’s equivalent to a junior heavyweight title, on December 19, 2021, in Nagoya (U-T’s and SB KENTo’s hometown). That was a hard-hitting match, which showed us a ruthless side of DG’s “Braveheart.”

U-T is passion personified.

He has earned his place in DRAGONGATE, regardless of other’s opinions that he cannot be “saved” (according to Shun Skywalker and H.Y.O).

Dragongate's U-T shows off his tag team title belt

U-T has proven that his style of wrestling can stand on its own against any opponent.

To the fans, whether you are new to DRAGONGATE or you have been with the company for the long haul, U-T wants you to know that. “I will always give everything that I am, everything that I have in every match I wrestle,” he said. “Thank you very much, and I look forward to your continued cooperation!”


Z-Brats vs NATURAL VIBES 4 Singles Match Series, October 7, 2022

NATURAL VIBES (Susumu Yokosuka & U-T) vs MASQUERADE (Shun Skywalker & Jason Lee), April 9, 2021

Open the Brave Gate Contender Battle Royal, Ultimo Dragon’s 35th Anniversary Celebration, July 30, 2022

His singles bouts with SB KENTo (December 19, 2021), Shun Skywalker (December 4, 2018), and Yuki Yoshioka January 16 and April 16, 2019) are MUST-WATCH matches … and are all available at!



U-T attempts a pinfall





常に「Good Vibes Only」であるNATURAL VIBESのメンバやKzy選手と共に琉球ドラゴンプロレスリングの双琉王王者であるU-T選手は最近その心情ではシュン・スカイウォーカー選手とSNSで語りました。スカイウォーカー選手の体格や強さ、そしてデビュー当時から見せていたポテンシャルを羨ましく思っていたことを認めている。しかしU-T選手はどんな結果であっても自分自身の魂を売るつもりはない。





ジュニアヘビー級の同類である「オープン・ザ・ブレイブ・ゲート王座」に最後で挑戦したのは2021年12月19日名古屋でSB KENTo選手との対戦でした。ドラゴンゲートの「ブレイブハート」とも言われるU-T選手は非常な一面でハードな試合を戦いました。





NATURAL VIBES vs Z-Brats シングル4番勝負2022.10.07 –

NATURAL VIBES 横須賀ススム & U-T vs  MASQUERADE シュン・スカイウォーカー & ジェイソン・リー2021.04.09 –

オープン・ザ・ブレイブゲート王座 次期挑戦者決定 時間差バトルロイヤル “ドラゴンスクランブル2022.07.30 –

他シングルマッチ、対SB KENTo選手 2021.1219、対シュン・スカイウォーカー選手2018.12.04,や吉岡有紀選手2019.01.16と2019.04.16は是非!dragongate.liveでお見逃しなく!


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STRONG MACHINE J: Opening The Twin Gate With Breakdancing Aggression

Strong Machine J poses

STRONG MACHINE J: Opening The Twin Gate With Breakdancing Aggression

Strong Machine J poses with Natural Vibes

Text & Photos by Issa Marie

WHEN YOU ARE a second-generation wrestler, there is often undue expectation placed on you to carry the family legacy … or even exceed it. This also creates an excess level of stress for such an individual to show that they have the potential and ability to succeed on their own merits. Strong Machine J (SMJ) understands this better than most, being the son of New Japan Pro-Wrestling icon Super Strong Machine.

Making his debut in 2019, SMJ quickly showed that he was very much his father’s son by winning his debut match using his dad’s trademark Machine Suplex Hold. He became a champion in record time, maintained an eight-month undefeated streak, and was later named Tokyo Sports 2019 Rookie of the Year.

Unfortunately, a shoulder injury in late-2020 sidelined SMJ for eight months. And his inability to rely upon the Strong Machines once the unit was disbanded served as the catalyst for things to change—arguably, for the better!

He reflected on this during a recent conversation with PWI: “Upon returning from injury in August 2021, failing to capture the Twin Gate titles with Strong Machine K at Dangerous Gate in September 2021, and the disbandment of the Strong Machines at the beginning of the year, I found myself alone … wondering what was next for me.”

SMJ in action

For the better part of February, March, and April, we saw SMJ team with numerous partners, most of whom he enjoyed great chemistry with.

Heading into King of Gate, we noticed an even greater change in SMJ. He began to show a level of aggression we had not seen before.

“I wanted to show more of who I am,” he said. “So that units in Dragon Gate would notice that there was more to the ‘Strong Machine’ of the past.”

Strong Machine J poses

And the units took notice! HIGH END—most notably, YAMATO, with his “I pay J, I pay!” sales pitch—was the first to publicly show interest in SMJ.

However, unbeknownst to us at the time, there was another leader willing to give SMJ the chance and platform he was seeking, after months where he questioned if he would be able to break through the Machine name expectations that had been placed on him.

“Kzy saved me,” said J. “He saw my potential and has made it possible for me to have opportunities in Natural Vibes, be the truest version of myself. The side I always wanted to show. But, most importantly, who I needed to be.”

When SMJ incorporated his breakdancing into Natural Vibes’ entrance at the King of Gate Finals, it was such a surprise that the audience (momentarily) broke with the staunch no-cheering rule, put in place many months ago to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

“Joining Natural Vibes has given me the ability to utilize my strength to enhance the unit and show the world what I am capable of,” J told PWI.  “I have now subtlety changed my image and revealed a side of me that was unknown to the fans. Old-school Strong Machine. Incorporating an aspect of my personal life, breakdancing, [which is] something I have done from a young age.”

Along with the breakdancing, SMJ has continued to display a new fire inside the ring—most recently, during a no-DQ bout at Dangerous Gate. And, after a key win against the current Open the Twin Gate champions, SMJ and BIG BOSS Shimizu will challenge for the title belts at Gate of Destiny on November 6. You can sign up for the network,, to watch.

Stay tuned for part two of this interview, as we discuss the leading role Strong Machine J has assumed and why his words are not always full of “Good Vibes Only.”

SMJ on the entrance ramp


Strong Machine J and Strong Machine K vs KING Shimizu and Yokosuka Susumu, Open the Twin Gate Championship at Dangerous Gate 2021

Strong Machine J vs Shun Skywalker, King of Gate 2022, May 25, 2022 (starts at 15:00)

Strong Machine J joins NATURAL VIBES, June 2, 2022 (starts at 3:09)

Open the Triangle Gate Championship Three Way Match – HIGH END vs NATURAL VIBES vs M3K, Kobe World 2022 (starts at 8:23)

NATURAL VIBES vs Z-Brats, October 5, 2022 (starts at 17:25)

Kzy and Strong Machine J vs KAI and H • Y • O, October 23, 2022 




PWIとの会話の中で振り返りました。「2021年8月に復帰し、デンジャラス・ゲート大会でストロングマシーンKとツインゲート王座を奪取できず。 年明けにストロングマシーン軍対が解散するとになり、一人になりました・・・次はどうなるのかと思いました。」

SMJ poses outdoors

2月から4月にかけて、色んな選手とタッグを組み、KING OF GATEに入るとさらに大きな変化が起きました。これまでに無かったアグレッシブ面も見せられました。

「もっと自分を出したいんだ。ドラゴンゲートのユニットが過去の“ストロングマシーン”と今までは違う。」さっそく注目したのはHIGH ENDのYAMATO選手でSMJ選手にすぐ売り込みに来ました。



KING OF GATEでSMJ選手がナチュラル・ヴァイブスと入場する時にブレイクダンスを披露した結果、あまりにも大きな反響で会場の観客が一瞬応援禁止ルールを破ったのだ。


ブレイクダンスと共にリング上では新たな炎が沸き上がりました。最近ではデンジャラス・ゲートでの活躍やツインゲート王者相手に見事な勝利を収めました。今後の11月6 THE GATE OF DESTINY大会ではSMJ選手とBIG BOSS清水選手がツインゲート王座に挑戦することになりました。「」で見逃すな。


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Hyper Misao alternate Women's 150 cover


Hyper Misao alternate Women's 150 cover
PWI January 2023 alternate cover

PRO WRESTLING ILLUSTRATED recently unveiled the cover of our January 2023 “Women’s 150” issue, which features the top three Stardom wrestlers on our annual list, with a video announcement hosted by our friends at Church of Joshi.

In the past, we have created several alternate covers that we’ve released for exclusive digital download. The most popular of these, by far, was the 2021 Lulu Pencil cover, which lionized the #500 wrestler from that year’s PWI “500” ranking. Given Ms. Pencil’s sense of humor, charisma, and loyal fan base, there was quite a bit of interest in a cover bearing her likeness.

This year, in addition to Syuri nabbing the coveted number #1 spot, the “Women’s 150” saw another prominent joshi wrestler come in at 150: that being TJPW superhero, Hyper Misao.

Given our past history of creating alternate covers, there has been a call from social media users (like the one below) asking for an official variant featuring Hyper Misao.

Whether or not you have purchased your copy of our latest “Women’s 150” edition, you can download the alternate cover FOR FREE at the link below. The PDF file follows the exact same specs as our print mag, meaning you can easily affix it to the front or back of your magazine. Our many thanks to PWI Contributing Photographer, Issa Marie, who took the cover photo for this design, and our Art Director, Laura Brubaker, for bringing this cover to life.

Hyper Misao alternate Women's 150 cover
PWI January 2023 alternate cover