DRAGONGATE’s Braveheart: A Candid Conversation With U-T
Text & Photos by Issa Marie
IN ALL ASPECTS of life, representation matters!
Imagine being a nine-year-old child attending a pro wrestling event and seeing a wrestler who personifies who you are in size and stature—inspiring a small fan to become the athlete they believed they could never be, due to their body composition.
That child, U-T, remembers seeing Dragon Kid wrestle live for the first time, being mesmerized by his athleticism, his grit, and immediately adoring the man who, most importantly, reminded him of himself.
“Throughout my career, my opponents have always underestimated me, my abilities due to my size,” says U-T. “They see me as the target, the weakest link of a unit that can be bullied, even when I have shown time and time again that is not the case. My drive, heart, and passion more than compensate for the perceived lack of height and strength.”
These sentiments were shared most recently in an online exchange with Shun Skywalker, in which U-T, member of the “Good Vibes Only” unit NATURAL VIBES and one-half of the Ryukyu Dragon Souryu-Ou champions with Kzy, admitted he has envied Skywalker’s physique, strength, and the potential he showed since his debut. However, U-T would never compromise himself—his soul—to achieve any levels of results.
Interestingly, it was a match against Skywalker where things first clicked into place for U-T. “On December 4, 2018, at Korakuen Hall, Shun and I had a special singles matches,” recalled U-T. “Even though I was the senior wrestler, Shun had been showing that he indeed had ‘Star Power’ and that he would soon be at the top of DRAGONGATE. While everyone expected Shun to beat me, the match ended in a 20-minute time-limit draw. This match allowed me to show the fans the wrestling style that has defined me since—[that of] a llave technician. The match also gave me confidence as a wrestler, something I was missing at the time.”
And, now that the rivalry between Z-Brats and Natural Vibes has reached an end—at least for the time being—U-T will shift his focus back to the Open the Brave Gate championship.
“Before I can challenge, I need to achieve some results,” he said. “Get the wins that will set me on the path to the title.” U-T last challenged for the belt, which is DRAGONGATE’s equivalent to a junior heavyweight title, on December 19, 2021, in Nagoya (U-T’s and SB KENTo’s hometown). That was a hard-hitting match, which showed us a ruthless side of DG’s “Braveheart.”
U-T is passion personified.
He has earned his place in DRAGONGATE, regardless of other’s opinions that he cannot be “saved” (according to Shun Skywalker and H.Y.O).
U-T has proven that his style of wrestling can stand on its own against any opponent.
To the fans, whether you are new to DRAGONGATE or you have been with the company for the long haul, U-T wants you to know that. “I will always give everything that I am, everything that I have in every match I wrestle,” he said. “Thank you very much, and I look forward to your continued cooperation!”
Z-Brats vs NATURAL VIBES 4 Singles Match Series, October 7, 2022
NATURAL VIBES (Susumu Yokosuka & U-T) vs MASQUERADE (Shun Skywalker & Jason Lee), April 9, 2021
Open the Brave Gate Contender Battle Royal, Ultimo Dragon’s 35th Anniversary Celebration, July 30, 2022
His singles bouts with SB KENTo (December 19, 2021), Shun Skywalker (December 4, 2018), and Yuki Yoshioka January 16 and April 16, 2019) are MUST-WATCH matches … and are all available at dragongate.live!
常に「Good Vibes Only」であるNATURAL VIBESのメンバやKzy選手と共に琉球ドラゴンプロレスリングの双琉王王者であるU-T選手は最近その心情ではシュン・スカイウォーカー選手とSNSで語りました。スカイウォーカー選手の体格や強さ、そしてデビュー当時から見せていたポテンシャルを羨ましく思っていたことを認めている。しかしU-T選手はどんな結果であっても自分自身の魂を売るつもりはない。
ジュニアヘビー級の同類である「オープン・ザ・ブレイブ・ゲート王座」に最後で挑戦したのは2021年12月19日名古屋でSB KENTo選手との対戦でした。ドラゴンゲートの「ブレイブハート」とも言われるU-T選手は非常な一面でハードな試合を戦いました。
NATURAL VIBES vs Z-Brats シングル4番勝負2022.10.07 –
NATURAL VIBES 横須賀ススム & U-T vs MASQUERADE シュン・スカイウォーカー & ジェイソン・リー2021.04.09 –
オープン・ザ・ブレイブゲート王座 次期挑戦者決定 時間差バトルロイヤル “ドラゴンスクランブル2022.07.30 –
他シングルマッチ、対SB KENTo選手 2021.1219、対シュン・スカイウォーカー選手2018.12.04,や吉岡有紀選手2019.01.16と2019.04.16は是非!dragongate.liveでお見逃しなく!