CRAZY & BEAUTIFUL: Dragon Gate Star Shun Skywalker Begins Ambitious Tour Of The U.S.
Text & Photos by Issa Marie
THE (DRAGON) GATES have been opened. And fans worldwide—most notably in the United States—will be awed by the “unprecedented impact and strength” of Shun Skywalker during his upcoming tour. I had an opportunity to sit down and speak with the former Open the Dream Gate champion in late-August ahead of his upcoming U.S. tour. When I asked Skywalker what was the first impression he wanted to leave in the minds of the fans seeing him wrestle live for the first time, he said:
“Shun Skywalker is a crazy and beautiful guy.”
… And beautiful he is!
Beauty is central to everything Shun Skywalker does (and is): the combination of patterns and intricate details of his mask and wrestling gear; the swiftness of each stride as he walks to the ring; the elegance of his bow just before he enters the ring; the precision and lethality of every movement, every strike, every aspect of his offense and defense in the ring; his maniacal laugh; and the calculated way he says what he thinks is the most beautiful work of art. Though he describes himself as crazy, he’s also “ruthless, tough, hard, strong; the symbol that personifies the level of talent you will find in Dragon Gate.”
Shun Skywalker kicks off his tour by teaming up with fellow Z-Brats member, SB KENTo, at DEADLOCK Pro Wrestling’s Victory Lap on September 17. They’re set to face the duo of Andrew Everett & Jack Evans. In the second stop, Skywalker challenges “The Young GOAT” Myron Reed for Major League Wrestling’s World middleweight title.
“In the U.S., I am interested in many titles,” added Skywalker. “But I will not say which at this time.”
What we do know is that Skywalker has his sights on the best, and Reed is the first singles target (and the first champion) on his agenda.
As the third entrant for Black Label Pro’s Turbo Graps 24, Skywalker’s third stop might yield a dream match—one we perhaps didn’t even know we needed!
When asked about the possibility of facing the tournament’s number-one entrant, Jungle Kyona, the Dragon Gate star did not flinch. “If the tournament results set the stage for this match, I will be prepared for the match,” Skywalker said. “Ultimately, I want to face the best, toughest, and strongest opponents from any company. Anyone that steps up to the challenge.”
With Game Changer Wrestling appearances set for October 8, 9, and 22, observers have wondered: Will we see a hardcore or deathmatch side of Shun Skywalker? Not likely. “I respect the hardcore and deathmatch wrestlers,” he said. “However, my body is the strongest and deadliest weapon. I do not require the use of outside articles. I am enough.”
Indeed, if you have caught even a small glimpse of his matches, you know Shun Skywalker is enough. The opportunities for out-of-this-world, unique match-ups are there, so I had to ask: Whom would Shun Skywalker like to wrestler while in the U.S.? His list did not disappoint.
“Kenny Omega, Rocky Romero, Sammy Guevara, Aaron Solo, Low Rider, Yuya Uemura, just to name a few,” he said. Shywalker is looking to have great matches, make great memories, gain more experience, become stronger, increase his power to set himself apart from all others, so that only Shun Skywalker is on the mind (and hearts) of the fans.
Never shy about speaking his mind—even going so far as to make a paywalled column public to ensure all the fans understood his drive—Skywalker is on a mission to conquer the wrestling world the only way he can. Most importantly, he seeks to free Dragon Gate, and the wrestlers he believes are being hoarded by outdated leaders (such as Kzy), from the shackles that he believes are holding everyone back.
Shun Skywalker has his sights set on elevating the worth of Dragon Gate’s titles by taking them back from the current champions, who are not (in his mind) the finest competitors. He said, “They are not strong, they lack power, technique, passion, and emotion.”
For the uninitiated, who have never seen him compete in the flesh, Skywalker has a message: “If you see my matches live, you will see a strength you have never seen. You will feel a level of fear you have never experienced. Those who are tired of their monotonous lives and want to experience what they have never felt before need to come and watch me wrestle live!”
Shun Skywalker & Diamante vs D’Courage (DEAD or ALIVE 2022)
Shun Skywalker vs Kzy (Kobe World Festival 2021)
Shun Skywalker vs YAMATO (Speed Star Final 2022)
Shun Skywalker, Dragon Gate’s Mischievous Harlequin
スカイウォーカー選手の北米ツアーは同じくZ-BratsメンバーであるSB KENTo 選手と共に9月17日DEADLOCK Pro Wrestling Victory Lap大会から始まる。彼らはアンドリュー・エヴァレット選手とジャック・エバンス選手とのタッグマッチで対戦することになる。その次はMajor League Wrestling で現Middleweight王者“Young GOAT”ことマイロン・リード選手との対戦。
そしてその次の目的地はBlack Label ProのTubo Graps 24トーナメント。3番目の出場者でありますが、もしかしたら想像もつかないドリームマッチが現実になる可能性もある。
しかし、アメリカツアーでは大きな野望を持っているが、日本ではまだやり残したことがある。「日本に帰ったら、NATURAL VIBESを解散させKzyを引退させてやる。」とZ-Bratsのライバルユニットとリーダーのことに対してそう言った。