Pro Wrestling Illustrated has been recognized as the sport’s number one magazine since its inception in 1979. Founded by legendary publisher Stanley Weston, PWI set out on a course to alter the landscape of pro wrestling journalism. Over the years, utilizing the talents of the world’s finest writers, editors, photographers, and designers, PWI succeeded beyond Weston’s wildest dreams.
Like many wrestling fans and journalists, most of today’s star wrestlers grew up reading PWI. That is why the magazine’s year-end awards for Wrestler of the Year, Tag Team of the Year, Match of the Year, etc., as well as the PWI “500,” have become virtual institutions within the wrestling business.

Kevin McElvaney
TWITTER: @wackelvaney
INSTAGRAM: @wackelvaney
Kevin began working with PWI as a freelance Contributing Writer in 2006. In 2020, he was selected as the replacement for longtime Editor, Stu Saks, who is now enjoying his retirement. He currently oversees the production of the magazine and maintains/manages its archives, while serving as host of the Pro Wrestling INDIEstrated podcast.

Al Castle
Senior Writer
Twitter: @AlCastlePWI
Al has been contributing to PWI for 15+ years, penning numerous cover stories and “Hotseat” interviews with the sport’s top stars. He is also the cohost of The PWI Podcast.

Harry Burkett
Senior Writer
Twitter: @HarryBurkett1
Harry is our longest-contributing writer and previously served as Editor-in-Chief. After moving on from that role, he stayed on as a Senior Writer.
Other current PWI staff writers include:
Brian R. Solomon (@BrianRSolomon on Twitter)
Kristen Ashly (@KristenAshly on Twitter)
Walter Yeates (@SmoothWrestling on Twitter)
Righteous Reg (@RighteousReg on Twitter)
Brady Hicks, Mike Bessler, Louie Dee, Jason McVeigh, Jake Joyce, Ashley Morris, Andrea Hangst, Pat Laprade, Scott Fishman, Candace Cordelia Smith, Jordynne Grace, and Francesco “Frank” Mandolini.
Past contributors and editors include Bill Apter, Craig Peters, Dan Murphy, Eddie Ellner, Brandi Mankiewicz, Bob Smith, and many others.
For editorial inquiries, please contact [email protected]